Are You Hard-Wired for Success?

If not, it's time to make some changes...

Wired for SuccessDNA. It’s the stuff we’re made of. It holds the code that determines who we are, how we behave and what conditions we are predisposed to.

What about success though? Is success “in your genes” so to speak? Do you come from a long line of successful individuals, marriages, families, etc? Or, do you feel like you were trapped in an elevator somewhere and missed out on the success gene when it was being handed out?

Those who appear to be naturally hard-wired for success have six common traits that seem to be ingrained into their DNA. If you’re not one of these fortunate few, don’t worry–the good news about these traits is that even if you don’t feel as though you were lucky enough to have naturally inherited them, you can still learn to develop them.  

So…what exactly are the six traits of those who seem to be predisposed to success? Well, I’m glad you asked…

Six Traits of Those Who are Hard-Wired for Success

1.)  They are tenacious. Trust me when I say that no one is 100% successful, 100% of the time. It simply isn’t possible. What differentiates highly successful people from the rest of the herd is that they know how to fight through obstacles, stick to their guns and keep pushing until they reach their goal. Rather than wallowing in self pity, blaming others or taking it personally when things go wrong; people who are hard wired for success will instead learn from the experience, seek out whatever support they need and let the difficulty serve as a motivator. The herd on the other hand, sees an obstacle, decides that the goal is too hard and chucks it all in exchange for a weekend of Netflix bingeing. Successful people are able to keep their “eye on the prize” and stay motivated even during the most challenging times, and it is that tenacity that eventually leads them to their desired result.

2.) They don’t shy away from BIG goals. Hard-wired achievers are not ones who settle for the status quo. Instead, they are constantly looking for ways to stretch themselves and are always aiming for goals that are beyond what others have even thought of. Because successful people do not shy away from big and lofty goals, they position themselves in such a way that even if they miss the mark on their goal, they still land light years ahead of anyone else.

3.) They leverage the power of FOCUS. Lots of people set goals but then give up on them two weeks later (if they last that long). Those who are hard-wired for success, however, do not ascribe to the “set it and forget it” mindset. Those who are predisposed to success understand that lofty goals often take a long time to achieve (sometimes years) and yet, despite having ample time to procrastinate or become distracted by more immediately gratifying activities, stay the course and maintain laser-like focus on their intended outcome. People who are hard-wired for success know where they are going and they have the ability to say no to good things in order to stay focused on the best things.

4.) They have a high level of self awareness. Those who are predisposed to success know where their strengths lie and where they don’t. They don’t waste a bunch of time and energy trying to overcome their weaknesses but instead, work hard to further develop their natural strengths and abilities. They understand that no one makes it to the top alone and therefore, they seek out the help of others to compensate for areas of weakness. Successful individuals also know how their body physically reacts to stress and they take steps to mitigate that reaction. They also recognize signs of burnout and therefore are able to intervene with supportive behaviors that allow them to remain healthy, energized and motivated.

5.) They are willing to sacrifice…sometimes. When it comes down to it, those who do not experience success are often stuck in prisons of their own making. These prisons are known as the comfort zone. Those who are hardwired for success, inherently understand that the comfort zone is the place where dreams whither and die and they are willing to make great sacrifices in order to break free and move toward their goals. Top achievers understand that sometimes it is necessary to make short term sacrifices in order to gain long term success. On the flip-side, successful individuals also understand that there are some things (health, relationships, sanity) that should never be sacrificed.

6.) They long to see others succeed as well. Those who are hard-wired for success are not threatened by the success of others. In fact, people who achieve true and lasting success want to share their success with others and generously do so. They also celebrate the accomplishments of others without envy; understanding that everyone has gifts to offer the world and that we are all better off when everyone is living within their full FabYOUlousness.

Yes, we each have our own DNA and may be stuck with what we received genetically. Fortunately though, that is not the case when it comes to these “success genes”. Some people might seem to come by them a bit more naturally, but that doesn’t matter. What does matter is that YOU can change your success DNA by working diligently to strengthen your success genes and gradually incorporating each of these six aspects into your own life. Before you know it–you’ll be one of the “fortunate ones” who is predisposed for success and a truly FabYOUlous life.


Rockin' a FabYOUlous life as an author, speaker, blogger, coach and consumer of way too much caffeine. Let me help you to ditch the drab and find your FAB--it's possible and it's FUN!

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