Is it Time to Give Up?

“Winners never quit and quitters never win”

This is a phrase that I heard as a child and it has stuck with me my entire life.  For the most part, I agree with it.  Certainly perseverance is an admirable quality and I do believe that there is power in “sticking it out”.

Is there ever a time however when “quitting” is okay?  Is “throwing in the towel” ever admirable?  Can you actually get ahead sometimes by “giving up”?  Contrary to what many people preach–my answer to this question is a resounding YES!

I think that there are two distinct times in a person’s life when “giving up” is the BEST answer when seeking to live a truly FabYOUlous life.  I can say this with confidence because I’ve experienced both of these instances in my own life and can honestly say that the quality of my life got exponentially BETTER each time that I “gave up” .

The first instance in which giving up is not only okay–but is in fact, essential, is when the things that we are giving up on are detrimental to us in the first place.  I know that may seem like a no-brainer, but being simple doesn’t necessarily make it easy.

This instance is applicable in my own life in more ways than I care to admit.  There are plenty of things that I’d be better off without and yet I have a really hard time giving them up.  For example:  I love Coke (the kind you drink–not the kind you snort!) but I know that it is not good for me.  Still, every morning on my way to work I pull through the drive-thru at McDonald’s and order myself a large glass of fizzy goodness.  Not only does this habit fill me up with empty calories and load me up with way too much sugar–it also costs me $1.07 every time I do it.  There’s no getting around it–my life would be more FabYOUlous if I gave this habit up.

Another thing that I need to give up is my penchant for procrastination–which stems from too much self-doubt.  I have some really great ideas (as do you I’m sure) and yet, I have a hard time following through on many of them because I start to doubt whether or not I have what it takes to make them happen.  Therefore, I spend my time thinking about them, talking about them and dreaming about them–but rarely actually doing anything tangible to make them a reality.  I need to give that up!    My list of things to give up could go on and on but I don’t want to overwhelm myself (which would then just lead to more procrastination) so I think I’ll stick with these two things for now…less Coke–more action.  Sounds doable right?  How about you?  What are some habits/thoughts/beliefs that you need to give up on?  If you can’t think of any (LIAR!) take a peek at the suggestions in the pink box–I think that many of the things on this list apply to most all of us.

The second instance in which I believe that it is okay to “give up” is an instance that I know will be more controversial than the first.  However; like I said before, I know from first-hand experience that I’m right on this one.

This second instance occurs when you find yourself stuck in a bad situation that is only getting worse.  The situation might be a relationship, a job, or any circumstance that is preventing you from being your FabYOUlous self and living your FabYOUlous life.  Now, please don’t misunderstand me here–I am not saying that I think it is okay to chuck a marriage just because you’re irritated with your spouse.  I do however believe that sometimes, “giving up” is really just knowing that it is time to say “enough is enough” and walk away.  Yes–go to marriage counseling, try to restructure that job…do whatever you have to do to give it your best shot.  However; it is important to know that there are times when walking away is truly the best course of action.  In my heart of hearts, I am truly convinced that there is no shame in “giving up” when you KNOW that you have done everything in your power to rectify and improve a situation.  If you have done all that you can and the situation still does not get any better, I believe that it is okay to walk away and to hold your head high as you do so.  I believe this proves that you are willing to give up on some things as a way of NOT giving up on YOURSELF.  That is exactly the kind of attitude and behavior that leads to a FabYOUlous life.

Both of the instances that I’ve discussed here are difficult and both require some courage and self fortitude.  However; both of these types of “giving up” can be immensely beneficial when it comes to living a FabYOUlous life.  Think of it as “pruning”–we all need to give up the parts of our lives that aren’t good for us in order to grow.  The pruning process may be painful for a bit, but a far more FabYOUlous life is waiting for us in the end.  Think about your life this week…what things are you holding on to that you need to give up?  What reward is waiting for you if you do?


Rockin' a FabYOUlous life as an author, speaker, blogger, coach and consumer of way too much caffeine. Let me help you to ditch the drab and find your FAB--it's possible and it's FUN!

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