And the Winners Are…


Before I announce the blogs that I chose to receive the Liebster Award, I just want to say that this decision was SO HARD. There are so, so many wonderful new blogs out there and every blog that I considered had incredibly compelling content and numerous valid reasons to be chosen.

Alas…the rules said that I was to pick only 10 bloggers to receive the award so I had to pare down my list. So without further ado (and in no particular order) the blogs that I am awarding the Liebster Award to are…

A Mother’s Random ThoughtsThis blog has so much wonderful parenting advice and I especially appreciate the honest and inspiring posts about parenting a son with autism. Additionally, I really love her fun Date Night Challenges.

The Grounded TherapistWhat can I say? After my battle with Anorexia, I developed a true affinity for therapists that stays with me to this day. I love this blog because of the valuable and supportive posts that will bolster the emotional well-being of anyone who reads them. I especially liked her post on setting boundaries because that is an issue that I (even after so much therapy of my own) still have to work on. 

Go Ask Your Daddy: I love this blog because it is a parenting blog but get this–it is written from a dad’s perspective. How cool is that? Jeremy has a great sense of humor while also being practical. I also love the fact that his blog offers DIY’s and a weekly linky party.

Sanaa Rants: I want to be Sanaa’s BFF. She is cool, funny and smart. I was bummed because I didn’t get to watch the Grammy’s this week but now I don’t have to because of her awesome Grammy’s recap post. I love her sharp and witty perspective on things and look forward to reading more of her posts in the future. 

Veggie Lisa If you are wanting to live a more healthy lifestyle, you will love this blog. I was so impressed with Lisa’s inspiring weight loss story and completely in love by the time I got to her post about chocolate dipped superfood strawberries. 

Get Some Adventures: This site makes me want to pack my backpack and go somewhere cool (except that I don’t even own a backpack…) Their photos are incredible, their adventure tips are practical and their site makes me feel like even I could become an adventurer (after I go buy myself a backpack!) Also–be sure to read their proposal story–it has all the feels!

The Viral Marketing Expert: This is one blog where the name truly says it all. I spent so much time on this site checking out all of their great information for bloggers, digital marketers and small business owners. If you are looking to take your online presence to the next level–you need to visit this site.

Single in the City: Carrie Bradshaw’s got nothing on this girl. I love her spin on being young and single in a the big city (which happens to be London in this instance.) Be sure to check out her fun post on 16 Reasons Why Grey’s Anatomy is Destroying Your Quest for Love.

Liza Betty Fiz:  I love blogs that provide a perspective that I don’t often get exposure to, so I love this blog about the opinions of a loudmouth (her words not mine!) black teenage girl who sees the world through rose tinted glasses. She is funny as heck and smart as a whip. In fact, I’d kinda like to introduce her to one of my teenage sons because I think I’d get a kick out of having her as a daughter-in-law. 

Jessica Fancy: I love this blog because I am so NOT fancy, but Jessica almost makes me think that I could be. Her adorable DIY’s are to die for and simple. I want to pin every single one of her images to Pinterest…every. single. one. 

So…there you have it…my Liebster Award Winners. Please go check out their blogs–you are sure to find a goldmine of great content in each one.

Now for my awardees–tag, you’re it! It’s your turn to answer a few questions and post your answers…

1.) What inspired you to start your blog?

2.) What blogging goal are you currently striving for?

3.) What activities to you enjoy outside of blogging?

4.) What tactics do you employ on those days when blogging is hard & frustrating?

5.) If you could have lunch with any famous person, who would you choose?

6.) What are your three favorite blogs to follow?

7.) What piece of blogging advice have you found to be most helpful?

8.) Are you a full-time blogger or do you also hold down a day job?

9.) What is your favorite post on your blog thus far?

10.) What social media platforms do you use and which one is most effective for you?

Also, my winners now get to go out and choose their 10 blogs to present the Liebster Award to. Here are the rules on how to do this…

Liebster Award winners (who choose to accept the award) must…

1.) Thank the person/blog who nominated you and post a link to their blog on your blog.

2.) Display the award on your blog. This can be done by including it in your post and/or displaying it using a widget (note: the best way to do this is to save the image to your own computer and then upload it to your blog/post).

3.) Answer the 10 questions about yourself that your nominating blogger chooses for you (see my questions above).

4.) Nominate 10 blogs that you feel deserve the award. These must be new bloggers (less than two years blogging) who have fewer than 1000 followers.

6.) Create a list of questions for your nominated bloggers to answer.

7.) List these rules in your post (feel free to cut & paste!)

8.) Inform the blogs that you nominated that they have been awarded the award and provide a link for them to your post so that they can learn about it. 

Congrats to all of my winners! You have FabYOUlous blogs and I look forward to continued engagement with you!
