Finding FabYOUlous: A ‘Self-Help with Sass’ Guide to Finding, Celebrating and Capitalizing On the FabYOUlousness that Makes You, YOU


Kindle version only $4.99 ~ Paperback only $12.99

The perfect gift for anyone (including YOURSELF) who is looking to kick-off 2018 in the most powerful, intentional and INSPIRED way possible.

Includes access to a private website with additional material to supplement the book’s content



Does this sound like you?

*You work and work but never feel like you’re making any real progress toward your goals?

*You know that you were created for more, but can’t for the life of you, figure out what that more is?

*You see other people living their dreams and wonder how the heck they got so lucky?

*You long to make an impact in the world but can’t seem to muster the energy or enthusiasm to get going?

*You’ve lost touch with the unique purpose that you were created to fulfill?

*You feel stuck in a rut and can’t seem to find your way out?

If any of these statements resonate with you, you have come to the right place at the right time.

Finding FabYOUlous: A “Self-Help with Sass” Guide to Finding, Celebrating and Capitalizing on the FabYOUlousness that Makes You, YOU, will take you on a journey to discover all of the unique and FabYOUlous gifts that you have to offer the world; and then guide you as you learn to cultivate, celebrate and capitalize on those gifts as you create the life of your dreams.

Finding FabYOUlous offers inspiration that goes far beyond just a motivational pep-talk. Each chapter of Finding FabYOUlous is chock full of actionable steps that (if taken) will guide the reader ever closer to the fullest expression of her unique and FabYOUlous purpose. PLUS–Finding FabYOUlous readers will enjoy exclusive access to a private website full of additional exercises and material to supplement what they are reading in the book. This elevates Finding FabYOUlous from just a book, to an EXPERIENCE.

The practical wisdom, applicable action steps and gentle guidance provided throughout the pages of Finding FabYOUlous are sure to provide any woman with the tools and confidence she needs to “ditch the drab and find her FAB”. Additionally, the personal stories from the author’s own experience of battling a debilitating Anorexia Nervosa diagnosis and escaping from a dangerously toxic marriage, will provide the inspiration to show that no one is ever “too far gone” to get back on track, find her FabYOUlous, and live an amazing, purpose filled life.



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