First a disclaimer…
I am not crazy. In fact, I am sometimes entirely too rational for my own good. I don’t jump onto bandwagons and I don’t readily accept things to be true just because someone says that they are. I like to research, quantify and form my own rational opinions about things.
That being the case, I have always considered the “new age” movement to be a bit too wackadoo and “woo woo” for my logical sensibilities.
Something inside of me is shifting though. It started subtly…intuitive hunches that turned out to be correct, synchronistic happenings that were just a little too coincidental to be explained, etc. Then, those experiences grew into something more. As I became more and more open to the idea that maybe the Universe had things to offer that I hadn’t previously considered, more and more of those experiences began to manifest in my life. I’ve had complete strangers tell me things about myself that they couldn’t possibly have known without some otherworldly guidance (as I’m typing this, I realize how crazy that sounds but I also know that it is TRUE), I’ve felt the astounding (and very, very real) physical effects of an energy healing session (for a very basic introduction into energetic healing via the chakral system, click here), and I have manifested incredible experiences (like an all-expenses paid trip for four to Hawaii for seven nights) seemingly out of thin air.
No, I am not crazy; but I’m also not stupid. If something shows up in my life and seems to have the power to effect real and lasting positive change–I’m going to look into it. So…that’s what I’ve done. I’ve dipped my toe into many of the offerings that this new consciousness offers and though I don’t necessarily buy into everything (astral-projection is probably never going to be my jam); I have become awakened to the fact that there are forces at work that I can’t explain, and have accepted the fact that just because I can’t explain them doesn’t mean that they aren’t real.
With so much information out there, the researcher in me needed a logical place to focus my attention, so I decided to start at the very beginning, with a study of the Spiritual Laws of the Universe. This study has led me to the realization that I have been experiencing many of these laws for years, but simply didn’t have the vernacular to explain them or perspective from which to comprehend them. How about you? Read through the explanation below of the 12 Spiritual Laws of the Universe and see if any of them resonate with you. If you find that your interest is piqued, check out my list of resources for newbie spiritual seekers here.
The 12 Spiritual Laws of The Universe and What They Mean in Practical Terms
I stumbled upon the 12 Spiritual Laws of the Universe when I googled “Law of Attraction”. I had watched the movie The Secret and was eager to learn more about this powerful law. Little did I know that the Law of Attraction was simply one law in a whole network of interconnected laws that impact every aspect of the human experience.
When you study these laws and gain a solid understanding of the concepts behind them, not only will you develop a clearer picture of your own place in the Universe, you will also become more aware of their influences upon you, and thus be better equipped to harness their power and create positive change.
- Law of Attraction: Let’s begin with the one that most people are at least somewhat familiar with. The Law of Attraction has garnered a lot of media attention–especially since the release of the movie, The Secret. Simply put, this law states that “like attracts like”. So, for instance, if you want more friendly, loving and supportive interactions with people, you need to become more friendly, loving and supportive. When you put good, positive and high-vibe energy out into the world, that is the kind of energy that you will receive back. It goes beyond this though (because obviously…nice people will attract nice people while jerks will attract jerks). The law of attraction is also the law that allows you to manifest things (like trips to Hawaii!) into your life by getting into vibrational alignment with your desires. For a better understanding of how this vibration works, check out the next law…
- Law of Vibration: The Law of Vibration states that every particle in the universe is in constant motion and carries energy within it. This law applies to everything from giant planets, stars and moons to the pencil on your desk and the chair under your butt. This isn’t just woo-woo, this is actual science as there are high-powered microscopes that are able to see the vibrational energy of even solid objects. What’s more–not only do all objects vibrate, they vibrate at different frequencies and (thanks to the Law of Attraction), objects with a high vibrational frequency are attracted to other items with high frequencies (the same is true for objects with low vibrational frequencies–they attract other low vibe objects/experiences). If you are truly interested in living your best, most FabYOUlous life, do all that you can to understand how this Law of Vibration works and then, make it your mission to live your life in as high-vibe a way as possible You’ll know that you’re vibrating at a higher frequency when you feel more joyful, experience increased intuition and are able to manifest your desires more easily. (check out the resource sheet for suggestions on how to raise your vibration)
- Law of Divine Oneness: I started with the Law of Attraction because that is the law that gets the most buzz and that people are more familiar with. However; I probably should have started with the Law of Divine Oneness because this law truly is the foundational spiritual law that all others are built upon. Simply put, the Law of Divine Oneness states that everything in the universe is interconnected. In other words, every word, thought, desire, belief, action and choice that we have, impacts the world. Sometimes the impact is immediate and obvious. Other times, the impact may take a while to be felt, or may never be felt at all (however, according to this law—everything does have an impact, whether we experience it personally or not). Understanding this law and living in accordance with it, not only makes us more powerful, it also makes us more empathetic and ultimately, kinder to those with whom we are sharing this human experience.
- Law of Inspired Action: Out of all the different spiritual laws, I think that this law is my favorite. I also feel that this law is the one that left a lot of people wondering why on earth they didn’t magically manifest the beautiful beach house that they put on their vision board after watching The Secret. You see, the Law of Inspired Action is the law that supports the vibrational work of the Law of Attraction. The two laws (three really, when you include the Law of Vibration) really do all work in tandem. Basically, the Law of Inspired Action states that in order to receive the desires of our hearts, we must not only raise our vibrational level, we must also compel ourselves to take inspired action. My magical Hawaiian trip is a fantastic example of how this law works.
After watching The Secret, I made a vision board and on this vision board, I placed an image of a beautiful beach with a city nightscape behind it. I had no idea what beach it was, or where in the world it was located—all I knew was that that every time I looked at that image, I was happy, and I could easily imagine myself and my family frolicking around in the water of that beach. Well, shortly after making that vision board, I received an email from Red Lobster (what can I say—I love their Cheddar Bay Biscuits) and along with their regular coupon offerings, they also announced their nationwide Lobsterworthy contest which had as a grand prize, an all-expenses paid trip for four for seven nights to Hawaii. Now, I am not normally someone who enters a bunch of online contests (like never really), but since the beach scene from my vision board was at the top of my mind at the time, I took a shot and entered. I took inspired action without realizing at the time that that was what I was doing. I suppose that I don’t need to tell you who won that nationwide contest, do I? Yep—I did. My entire family and I got to spend a glorious week on the island of Oahu and it was all paid for by Red Lobster. We got to enjoy a Dolphin Swim experience, a Hawaiian Luau, a sunset jazz cruise in the harbor…all without spending a dime of our own money (other than our souvenirs—which we bought a ton of since we weren’t spending any money on the actual trip!) The craziest part was that on one of the last nights of our trip, we happened to be strolling along Waikiki Beach when I glanced back at the city of Honolulu behind us and that’s when it happened. That was the moment that I realized that I was looking at the exact cityscape that was in my photo on my vision board. There were a few very distinct looking buildings that made it impossible to mistake that beach scene from any other beach scene. THAT was my beach from my vision board—and I was currently frolicking in its waves with my family. I cannot even begin to tell you the feeling that swept over me when I made that realization. I literally got chills and felt such an overwhelming sense of “holy shit” that I couldn’t talk or move for several minutes—I just stood there, my toes in the surf looking back at the exact image from my vision board. To this day, thinking about that moment still fills me with such a sense of awe at how the Universe works, and serves as a constant reminder as to the power of this Law of Inspired Action.
Law of Correspondence: The Law of Correspondence links directly back to the Law of Divine Oneness. The premise of this law deals with prominent patterns that are repeated (in both large and small ways) throughout the universe. An example of this can be seen in the spiral pattern that reappears numerous times and places throughout the galaxy, as well as in the teeniest of sea shells. Try noticing recurrent patterns in your own life (and in your ways of thinking) and consider how they may be repeated elsewhere in the world. As you do this, you can also consider ways in which you can create new patterns that will have a larger impact in your life and in the world.
- Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy: We can’t necessarily see this law, but we can definitely benefit from it. The Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy tells us that everything around us is in a constant state of flux. We can’t see this because the “flux” is often happening on a cellular or atomic level. Despite not being visible, this law is important because it teaches us that we have the power to trigger positive changes within our environment and the people with whom we associate. When we bring our high vibes to a situation, we can trigger positive change in everything (or everyone) around us. This is also beneficial when we are feeling down or low-vibe—exposing ourselves to encouraging and energetic, high vibe friends or taking part in enjoyable activities can naturally trigger positive energy transmutation within our own psyches.
- Law of Compensation: This law basically tells us that we reap what we sow—we will get back that which we put out. It is similar to the Law of Attraction except that the Law of Compensation states that the compensation can come in many different forms. An example of this could be lottery winners. It might appear as though winning the lottery would be a fantastic reward. The Law of Compensation however; shows that this isn’t always the case because a vast amount of wealth often leads to a life of ruin. Compensation (in all its forms) can make or break a person depending upon how that individual has lived his/her life. Again—we reap what we sow. This law should serve as a reminder to us that we need to be mindful of how we treat others, and our planet.
- Law of Relativity: You’ve heard (and have probably used) the phrase “it’s all relative”, right? Well, that is the Law of Relativity in a nutshell. This law simply states that all things are neutral when viewed in isolation. No person, situation, circumstance or experience is deemed good or bad, until it is compared to another. For example, you might be feeling a bit under the weather because you’re fighting a cold. This seems bad until you compare it to someone who is in a desperate battle against an aggressive form of cancer. It’s all relative. By keeping this law in mind, we can remain conscious of the fact that there are always multiple perspectives for any given situation. Even the person battling cancer can feel that their situation is better than a healthy person’s if they are surrounded by people who love and support them while the healthy person’s life is lived alone and devoid of love. Again—it’s all relative.
Law of Gender: Despite its name, this law has very little to do with biological sex. Instead, it refers to two very different types of energy. Sometimes referred to as masculine and feminine energy, these energy types have also been called yin and yang, order and chaos (it cracks me up that the energy of chaos is usually attributed to female energy), anima and animus, etc. Each one of us (despite our biologically assigned sex) is made up of both types of energy to differing degrees. In order to live our most authentic and fulfilled lives, we must learn to embrace both kinds of energy while also finding a sustainable balance between the two.
- Law of Cause and Effect: This is one of the most straightforward laws of the Universe. Basically, it tells us that every action has a corresponding reaction. We already (thanks to the work of Sir Isaac Newton) know how this law works in the world of physics—but it can also be applied to spiritual aspects of our nature and of the Universe. Simply put, your spiritual life, emotional state and vibrational level can impact the world around you, causing positive or negative reactions. Similarly, your physical environment can impact on your spirituality, whether for good or for ill.
- Law of Polarity: When contemplating this law, the most important thing to keep in mind is that everything in this universe has an opposite and that it is the existence of these opposites that allows us to comprehend and give meaning to life. As an example–it is the difficult times in life that help us to better appreciate the good times. By being mindful of this law, we can better learn to cope with and remain resilient during times of trouble or use our time of prosperity to carefully plan and prepare for times of lack.
- Law of Rhythm: This law is also sometimes called the Law of Perpetual Motion because it focuses on movement—particularly referring to the fact that all things come in cycles. This law is very evident in nature as we witness the changing of the seasons, lunar cycles or even the perpetual daily cycle of sunrise to sunset. It is also present in the human body’s aging process as well as the differing stages of a person’s life. Maybe today is a busy season of working and sowing seeds so that you’ll be able to rest after a season of harvest. Or perhaps you’re enduring a difficult season; this law can help provide the perspective necessary to understand that a better season is coming.
There is truly so much to learn when it comes to this new consciousness and I am still just testing the waters. Nonetheless…I am astounded at how much of the information that I’m gathering, genuinely resonates with my spirit. I will be posting more regarding my discoveries, but this basic understanding of the 12 Spiritual Laws of the Universe seemed like a logical foundation upon which to begin building. Again, if this realm of new-age consciousness is something that you find intriguing, click here to download a free ebook full of resources for the newbie spiritual seeker.
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