It’s the beginning of January as I type this post so naturally I (along with millions of other people) am thinking about things that I’d like to do differently in the coming year. I do not make resolutions anymore because I’ve found that they just don’t work for me. Instead, I set intentions for the coming year.
This year, one of the FabYOUlous intentions that I am setting for myself is to become more health conscious. I’m not resolving to go to the gym more or to give up red meat, but I am intending to live a more healthy lifestyle by becoming more mindful of the way in which I take care of my body.
One simple change that I intend to make is to drink more water and LESS SODA. Unfortunately, simple does not necessarily mean easy. This change will be a difficult one for me because I am pretty much addicted to the fizzy goodness that is Coca Cola. However; I know that soda is BAD for me so I am determined to find a way to replace some of my soda consumption with good ol’ H20 (for a breakdown of several little known benefits of drinking more water click here)
Fortunately, I’ve discovered a product that I adore that will make this transition from soda to water a bit less painful for me–it’s the Define Fruit Infusion Water Bottle.
Now, I know that there are other fruit infusion bottles out there on the market but I am particularly enamored with the Define bottle for three reasons: 1.) it was created by a 13 year old kid named Carter who wanted to find a way to make it easier for people to make healthy beverage choices 2.) its sleek and simple design makes the bottle portable without being cumbersome and 3.) the patent pending technology allows you to enjoy refreshing fruit infused water without swallowing seeds or chunks of mushy fruit. If you’d like to learn more about Carter and the Define bottle click here.
Since purchasing my first Define Fruit Infusion Water Bottle, I have had so much fun experimenting with different fruit combinations and thought that it would be fun to share some of my favorites (along with some others that have been suggested to me but that I haven’t tried yet) with my FabYOUlous Life readers. These fruity concoctions work well with the Define bottle but they can also be made in any glass jar or pitcher (don’t use plastic because the high acidity levels of many citrus fruits can cause plastic to break down over time.) For the best fruity flavor, I like to make my water before going to bed and then refrigerate it overnight so that it is ready to grab as I head out the door for work the next morning. Don’t let your water sit for more than 48 hours though because the fruit will begin to break down and the water might start to taste funky (I notice this the most when using strawberries.)
As I type this post, I am currently sipping strawberry/pineapple water and it is delicious but here are some other wonderful water infusion recipes that are grouped according to their most significant health benefits…
Boost Immunity
Blueberry + Lemon Pear + Raspberry + Rosemary Sprig Raspberry + Lemon
Lime + Orange + Lemon Blueberry + Lemon + Cucumber Strawberry + Kiwi
Honeydew Melon + Cantaloupe
Regulate Blood Sugar Levels
Grapefruit + Lemon Peach + Cinnamon Stick Apple + Cinnamon Stick
Grapefruit + Raspberry Peach + Blueberry Orange + Cinnamon
Raspberry + Mint Leaves + Lime
Burn Fat/Aid Digestion
Green Tea + Mint Leaves + Lime Watermelon + Peach Grapefruit + Orange
Watermelon + Mint Leaves + Lime
Lemon + Cucumber + Mint Leaves Cucumber + Lemon + Lime
Strawberry + Orange + Blueberry Pineapple + Apple + Cantaloupe
Grapefruit + Cucumber + Lime
Reduce Stress
Lemon + Cucumber + Mint Leaves Blueberry + Coconut Water Lemon + Ginger
Strawberry + Mint Leaves + Cucumber + Lime Mint Leaves + Lavender + Lime
I’m sure that there are endless combinations of fruits/herbs/teas etc. that lend themselves well to the Define Fruit Infusion Water Bottle. I can’t wait to keep experimenting and add an infusion of tasty health and wellness to my FabYOUlous new year
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