Apples Have Great A-Peel


We’ve all heard the old adage “an apple a day keeps the doctor away”, but did you know that there really is a lot of truth behind the saying.  Apples might not be the magic elixir that keeps all doctors away, but they do contain flavonoids which are antioxidants that reduce cellular damage that leads to the risk of heart disease, lung cancer, stroke and diabetes.  They are also a great source of dietary fiber.

When is Enough, Enough?

846f76_9f47288ddafe496fb7d5e69627737ba9I have too much stuff.

Don’t get me wrong…I’m not quite ready for one of those episodes of “Hoarders” (though I do like that show–it makes me feel better about my house!)  But still…I have TOO, TOO MUCH.

The ironic thing about having too much stuff is that many of the things that I have are supposed to make my life easier.  Unfortunately, spending two hours looking for something that’s supposed to make life easier–DOES NOT MAKE LIFE EASIER.

Is it Time to Give Up?

“Winners never quit and quitters never win”

This is a phrase that I heard as a child and it has stuck with me my entire life.  For the most part, I agree with it.  Certainly perseverance is an admirable quality and I do believe that there is power in “sticking it out”.

Is there ever a time however when “quitting” is okay?  Is “throwing in the towel” ever admirable?  Can you actually get ahead sometimes by “giving up”?  Contrary to what many people preach–my answer to this question is a resounding YES!

I think that there are two distinct times in a person’s life when “giving up” is the BEST answer when seeking to live a truly FabYOUlous life.  I can say this with confidence because I’ve experienced both of these instances in my own life and can honestly say that the quality of my life got exponentially BETTER each time that I “gave up” .

What’s Your Favorite Color?

Unlocking Clues to Your Personality through Color Psychology

846f76_da79d9c58f2e4c9884ce2d755431bf24Simple question right?  It’s one that we all have been asked before and no doubt already know the answer to.  For me the answer is bright, sunny, happy orange (as opposed to sick, yucky blah orange).  I also love bright yellow and bright pink.  In fact, my truly favorite choice would be a swirl of all three of those fun colors together.

Fab-YOU-lous D.I.Y. Safety Pin Bracelet

846f76_38707bd38fe24c5da51b96159aec25a1My husband and sons are all engrossed in watching the Walking Dead right now and while I certainly have an appreciation for Daryl and his crossbow capabilities, I prefer to use this time of uninterrupted peace and quiet to do a little crafting. For tonight’s project, I’ve decided to fashion myself a pretty (and yet super simple to make) safety pin bracelet. It’s a quick and easy project that I should have completed before the final zombie gets stabbed in the brain.