Don’t Reinvent–Re-IGNITE

Reinvention Rarely Works--If You REALLY Want Change--Re-IGNITE

My birthday is a couple of weeks away, and as is the case every year at around this time, I am starting to think about the path that I’d like my life to take in the next year. I even have an actual process that I follow on an annual basis (you can read about it here) to help me as I establish the new goals that I hope to achieve and the intentions that I long to manifest.

used to view my birthday as a time to “reinvent” myself but I don’t anymore. Now, I use my birthday (and the month leading up to it) as a time to re-ignite myself. It might not seem like a significant change (I mean it’s just semantics after all) but let me assure you–the difference between the two is HUGE. One consistently led to frustration and failure while the other has always led to greater levels of success, satisfaction and personal levels of FabYOUlousness.

Jump-Starting a Stalled Out Career

6 Strategies for Adding Purpose to Your Profession

Let me ask you something…how do you feel on Sunday evening? How about on Monday morning?

Do you look forward to the start of a new work week and the promise of fresh opportunities, or are you crushed by feelings of dread over the inevitable onslaught of hassles, headaches and hurry-ups that you know are waiting for you…just like they were last week…and the week before?

If your situation more closely resembles the latter scenario, take heart–you are not alone. This is a predicament that many of us find ourselves in at one time or another. Fortunately, this treadmill of tedium is something that can be rectified. It is possible to revive a stalled-out career and take back control of your professional aspirations. It may take a little time and intentionality, but ifyou’re willing to get real with yourself, think outside the box and expand your horizons; a purposeful profession can be yours. Try these six suggestions to help you once again find the passion in your profession and jump-start a stalled-out career…

Simple Strategies to Un-Suck Your Day

Create Your Own Energy Uplift Rescue Plan

I’m tired. I’ve been burning the candle at both ends lately and I feel myself running out of energy.  I know that this is a trend that I need to reverse because any Law of Attraction enthusiast worth their salt, will tell you that energy is the source of everything. Every experience that we go through is one that we’ve drawn to our self through the energetic vibrations that we put out into the world. The more high-vibe, good energy that we put out, the more positive experiences we’ll enjoy.

On the BOUNCE…

Make Your Comeback Stronger than Your Setback

Bless her heart. She was so sweet and offered me such a kind and sincere compliment. I didn’t mean to look incredulous–I really didn’t. It’s just that the compliment that she so generously paid me seemed sowell, crazy.

She approached me after I had given a presentation for a local business association and told me how much she admired how “together” my life was. She said that she had seen me a few other times at various functions and had read about me when I was recognized as one of twelve Colorado Women of Vision. She said that she was inspired by how upbeat, energetic and “with it” I was.


Spring Clean Your Life…Not Just Your House

Simple Strategies for Spring Cleaning Your Psyche

We did it! We survived the long, cold winter. We have emerged from our caves, shed our wool sweaters and are squinting our eyes as we blinkingly gaze  at the bright, promising sunshine of spring.

Birds are chirping, trees are budding and baseball gloves are being dug out of the closet. Spring is here and with its longer days comes the fresh hope of new beginnings.

Still, as exhilarating as this fresh new season is, in order to truly harness the creative and rejuvenating energy of spring, we must first make sure that we have cleared the cobwebs and dust bunnies that have taken up residence over the winter months. Many of us use this time of year as an opportunity to “spring clean” our homes, but how many of us make an intentional effort to “spring clean” our psyches?