Stay Young While Having Fun

Staying Young While Having FunToday is my birthday!! Even though I am a year older and now, officially closer to 50 than 40 (I’m 46 today), I can honestly say that I feel younger today than I did five years ago. Sure, there are still times when I may feel a little tuckered after going for a run, but five years ago I never went for a run…like never.

I can also honestly say that I am having more fun in my life now than I was five years ago. I’ve learned to Stand Up Paddle Board, I travel more, enjoy various hobbies and I enjoy hiking and riding my bicycle etc. This made me start to wonder if there was any correlation then between having fun and staying young so I decided to do a little research and guess what–there is a BIG correlation.

If you’d like to discover your own personal Fountain of Youth, try a few of these FUN and FabYOUlous tips to help you turn back the clock on aging…

Seven Fab-YOU-lous Ways to Make the Most of Your Birthday

Make the Most of Your BirthdayIt’s my birthday week and I’m so excited I can hardly stand it. Yes–another birthday means that I’m getting older, but another birthday ALSO means cake, presents, kind messages from friends and cake (wait–did I already mention that?)

I love birthdays because they give us the perfect excuse to celebrate ourselves–and let’s face it, that is something that we don’t do nearly enough of.

If you’re like most women, you probably spend 364 days a year paying attention to everyone and every thing else on the planet more than you pay attention to yourself. On your birthday however; it is only natural and in fact, encouraged to take a little time to celebrate YOU.

4 Simple Steps to Make this Year Your BEST Year!

connect with your spirit (1)This week is my birthday week and if there is one thing I LOVE–it is birthdays!! Yes–I struggle a bit with the whole getting older bit (go away wrinkles and cellulite!!) but overall, I am enjoying my life and happy to celebrate another year on this amazing planet.

I also love the fact that my birthday falls during the middle part of the year because it makes for a good time to do some reflection and re-evaluation regarding the intentions that I had set for myself at the beginning of the year (to read about my awesome mid-year personal audit process click here). Regardless of whether I am on track with my goals or I need to do some re-calibrating, one thing that I have learned is that it is never too late to make the current year your BEST year yet and July is the perfect time to get back on track if you’ve drifted off course a bit.

If you are committed to living your most FabYOUlous life, then that means that you need to start having some pretty FabYOUlous years. In order to get the ball rolling and make this year, your best year yet, try these four FabYOUlous suggestions…

Fab Factor #11: Spirituality

Summer is the Perfect Time to Connect with Your Spirit

connect with your spiritWhen and how do you nurture your spirit? Do you have a specific spiritual practice that you follow on a consistent basis? Personally; I  know the value of connecting with my spirit on a regular basis and yet for some reason, I find this to be more challenging during the summer months. Between vacations, kids being out of school and a more relaxed work schedule, I find it a challenge to maintain the spiritual practices that are practically second nature to me during the rest of the year.

I was lamenting about all of this one day, to a friend of mine (who also happens to be a pastor) when he reminded me that being spiritual is about so much more than just going to church and that summertime offers an abundance of opportunities to practice my spirituality in ways that might not be so easy during other times of the year. He gave me a few quick suggestions (which I am passing along to you)  and then from his suggestions, I came up with some additional ways to experience a deeper spiritual connection during the long, hot days of summer.

If you’d like to connect with your spirit in a more meaningful and consistent manner this summer, give a few of these powerful practices a try…

31 Questions for 31 Days

July 2016

If you’ve studied any philosophy in high school or college, you’ve no doubt heard of The Socratic Method. It is a form of inquiry (named after the classical Greek philosopher, Socrates) that is based upon asking and answering questions to stimulate critical thinking and to illuminate ideas.

For as long as I can remember, I’ve always been one to ask a lot of questions. I’m sure that this sometimes annoyed my parents and exasperated my teachers, but asking questions is how I learned to satisfy my curiosity about the many interesting things in the world around me. Once I was in college however; my academic advisor taught me the value of asking questions in order to gain understanding not just of the world around me, but also of the things that were going on inside of me. Not only did this help me to finally decide upon a major–it also helped me to become more connected to my inner being and more sure of the direction that I wanted my life to take.