Work it…

Simple Steps to Finding Your Dream Job


If you follow my blog at all, you already know that I recently changed jobs. I left my position as the Executive Director of Hope Lives Breast Cancer Support Center to accept the Executive Directorship of the Northern Colorado chapter of the American Red Cross. You can read about the challenges and excitement that I faced while making this change here.

Since making this change to a bigger job with greater responsibilities, many people have asked me how I did it. It seems that many of my friends and colleagues are feeling stuck and stagnate in jobs that they no longer consider to be rewarding.

While there is no sure-fire way to guarantee job hunting success, there are numerous steps that you can take to help give yourself every possible advantage as you look to advance your career. Here are some FabYOUlous job hunting tips that are sure to help you stand out among the competition and land that dream job.  

Fab Factor #5: Love

How to Get it--How to Keep It

love light bulbWhen it comes to defining FabYOUlousness there are so many different facets of life to consider. Relationships, careers, health, education…the list is endless and it varies from person to person depending upon one’s own personal values and overall vision for one’s life.  When all is said and done however; FabYOUlousness basically boils down to an individual’s sense of authenticity and contentment.

Decades of research indicate that true FabYOUlousness stems from cultivating twelve distinct traits that enable one to navigate life’s rough patches with greater ease, enjoy life’s pleasurable moments more fully and feel content regardless of circumstances. Though this might sound like a tall order, the good news is that most of us already possess each of these twelve traits to some degree–it’s just a matter of learning to tap into them more consistently.  For the next twelve months, we will be focusing on one of these FabYOUlousness factors per month in an effort to harness its power and to build a solid foundation of FabYOUlousness.  So far, the factors that we have focused on in our series have included optimism, choice, purpose and health. This month’s Factor is LOVE.

FabYOUlous Factor #5: LOVE

Fab Factor #6: Proactivity

Are You Drifting or Navigating?

846f76_b5efde38ad014a66a8c4817f405fe474Imagine your life as a boat. Are you drifting along at the whims of the breeze and the current or are you navigating your ship to get to your desired destination?

This analogy is a good representation of what it means to be proactive versus reactive in life. People who are proactive don’t wait for situations and circumstances to dictate their direction; instead, they create the circumstances that they need in order to live a FabYOUlous life.

In his highly acclaimed book The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, the late Stephen Covey, regards proactivity as one of the fundamental character traits of a successful person and defines proactivity as the act of taking charge of one’s own life. This ability to consciously choose the direction of your life is a key contributing factor when it comes to living your most FabYOUlous life; and yet, so many people struggle with this concept.

Ch Ch Ch Ch Changes…

Engaging Your Head, Heart and Soul to Navigate Change

Change ahead sign on a sky background and dessert road

They say that the only constant in life is change. Lately, I am discovering that to be very true. I have recently embarked upon a BIG change in my life and even though this particular change has been a very positive one for me and my family, it has still been a bit scary and a challenge to navigate.

The change that I am currently experiencing is a change in my career. Last month I made the decision to leave my position as the Executive Director for Hope Lives Breast Cancer Support Center and accept an Executive Directorship for the Northern Colorado Chapter of the American Red Cross. 

While this change has most certainly been a beneficial one in terms of my career, income level and job satisfaction; it has not been an easy change for me to make and frankly…that surprised me a bit. I mean, why is change so hard–even when it is positive change?

Take off that Mask!

Unless of course, it's part of your Halloween costume


Halloween has always been one of my favorite holidays. I love coming up with fun costume ideas, gorging myself with candy and attending costume parties. I also cherish the wonderful childhood memories that I have of trick-or-treating with my brother and cousin in my grandparent’s neighborhood.

As a child, the only thing that I didn’t like about Halloween was the masks that we had to wear.