Fab Factor #4: Health

running girl

The mind and body are intrinsically connected so it makes sense that taking care of ourselves both above and below the neck leads to head-to-toe FabYOUlousness.

Being healthy doesn’t simply mean that we aren’t sick, it means that we are fully alive and experiencing life with vitality, love, gratitude and enthusiasm. This is much more easily accomplished if/when the body is well cared for and in good working condition.

When working to achieve and maintain good physical health, there are eight habits that if adopted, will lead to improved physical fitness and a stronger sense of FabYOUlousness.

Love in a Pan

My Sweet Grandma's Fab-YOU-lous Apple Crisp Recipe

846f76_506e1b8312ce41f4b311a53637dfe784Oh how I wish you all could have met my beautiful, smart and funny Grandma Brown.  Some of the very best memories of my childhood happened at her house–and many of those memories involved her delicious Apple Crisp.  I have no idea where she got the recipe–it’s nothing complicated or fancy, but boy is it GOOD.  I am so thankful that before my sweet grandma passed away after a brave battle with Parkinson’s Disease, she took the time to write her recipe down for me.  I love the fact that I have her recipe written in her handwriting.  I will treasure that piece of paper for the rest of my days.  If you want to show someone that you love them, I would highly suggest making this dish for them.  Nothing says love like my grandma’s Apple Crisp with a side of vanilla ice cream.

Stop Swimming in Your Own Sh!t

10 Daily Disciplines for a Fab-YOU-lous Life

Stop Swimmingin Your OwnSh!tA FabYOUlous life doesn’t just happen. You can hope for it and dream about it as much as you want, but eventually, you will have to put in some work and apply some self-discipline if you truly want to experience life to its fullest.

When I was at the lowest point in my life (struggling in a destructive marriage and battling a vicious eating disorder) it took more energy than I could muster just to get out of bed and get dressed for the day. I felt completely hopeless and it seemed as though I had a dark cloud of misery that followed me around 24/7.

Friendship–the New Anti-Depressant

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We all know that having friends feels good. It’s great to have someone to laugh and share stories with while also having the assurance that someone has your back if things go wrong. But…can friendship also be an effective means of fighting depression? Can good moods truly be contagious? According to a recent study by Thomas House, senior lecturer in applied mathematics at the University of Manchester, the answer to that question is YES!

Hug & Kiss Your Way to Fab-YOU-lous Health

Happy Romantic Young Couple in Love Outdoors; Shutterstock ID 233925091

Okay–it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to know that hugging and kissing feel good. There are few things in this world that I crave more than physical affection. Whether it is a hot & steamy make out session with my hubby or big bear hug from one of my sons, I thrive on the exchange of love and affection between two people. It wasn’t until recently however, that I discovered research that shows that not only do these exchanges feel good-they actually are good. I was excited to read that there are numerous documented physical and emotional health benefits to hugging and kissing.

Obviously, we don’t need an excuse for showing affection, but if you’re sweetie wonders why you’re extra lovey-dovey all of a sudden; just tell him that you’re doing it for the sake of his health and then rattle off a few of these FabYOUlous health benefits…