Read All About It…

More Reading = More FabYOUlousness

ReadingThis post is one that gets me excited. It gets me excited because, well…because I love to read. In fact, there are few things in this world that I love doing more than I love to read (preferably on my covered porch during a nice, spring rain or with a mug of hot cocoa during a Colorado snowstorm). So, to find research that shows that readers tend to live more interesting, vibrant and enriched (i.e. FabYOUlous) lives makes me pretty happy. 

Eight Fab-YOU-lously Simple Ways to Reduce Your Carbon Footprint on Earth Day and EVERY Day

Copy of Earth Day (1)If you think that conservation is just for tree-hugging hippie types, YOU NEED TO OPEN YOUR EYES AND GET A CLUE. Our earth is in serious trouble and we can no longer afford to ignore, politicize or deny the issue. Things need to change and they need to change now. Unfortunately, change is hard and therefore many of us give up before we even start because we don’t know what to do and we figure that we can’t really make a difference anyhow.


D.I.Y. Vacation Map Photo Frame

We got back from Hawaii a little over a week ago (you can read all about our adventures here) but I swear that I can still smell the salt water and hear the waves crashing. Spending a week in paradise with my fmapframefinalamily was truly an experience that I will treasure forever.

While in Hawaii, I took a bazillion photos and though sharing them on Facebook was fun, I wanted a better way to showcase them so that I could see them every day and be reminded of our magical week. I was also feeling a little crafty over the weekend so I decided to get creative and come up with my own, handmade vacation photo frame. It turned out even better than I had expected and it was SO simple to put together.

This idea is one that can be used for anyone looking to preserve travel memories–just be sure to pick up a cheap, gas station map when you are at your destination because it will serve as the focal point of your frame. A few other inexpensive materials and a little bit of time are all you need to create a treasured reminder of your travels.

Simple D.I.Y. Vacation Map Photo Frame

They Like Me, They Really Like Me–and Now I’m Sharing the Love

liebster2Ha Ha Ha! Okay–This is not 1985, I’m not Sally Field and I am not accepting an Academy Award (if you are too young to remember Sally’s “you like me, you really like me” acceptance speech–I don’t want to hear about it.)

am however ridiculously excited to announce that FabYOUlous Life has been awarded the Liebster Award for new blogs. I am so grateful and humble to have been nominated by Sheena at Pop Goes PerfectionPlease take a few minutes to go check out her amazing site–I especially like her product reviews.

In her nomination, this is what Sheena had to say about FabYOUlous Life:

FabYOUlous Life – giveaways, DIY’s and all kinds of fun stuff! She’ll probably be the next big thing, and I’ll feel honored to have mentioned her in this post!

Wow! Thank you Sheena–I hope you’re right about FabYOUlous Life being the “next big thing” and if you are, I know that Pop Goes Perfection will be right there too.

As a Leibster Award winner, I have been instructed to answer 10 questions that Sheena has for me and then I get to nominate 10 other new bloggers to receive the award and answer questions that I pose for them. It is such a fun way to recognize and celebrate bloggers who are new to the blogging scene but who are already making an impact with their work.

To start things off, here are the answers to the questions that Sheena had for me…

Jenga With a Twist

You know you wanna playMaking your own Jenga with a Twist game couldn’t be easier. All you need is one Jenga set, some Modge Podge, scissors, a sponge applicator (to brush on the Modge Podge) and the free, pre-made printable that you can download by clicking hereI’m including the link for Drunken Jenga at the bottom of the post because I don’t want you to get the two mixed up–our goal here is family fun, NOT contributing to the delinquency of minors. 😉

Once you have printed your download, all you have to do is cut out each of the twist pieces and use the Modge Podge to affix them (one per block) to every Jenga block except two. There will be two blank blocks in the game–which just means that no extra twist is added to those turns.

This really is a fun, family friendly game that even my uber-cool, nearly grown, young adult children didn’t think was cheesy (and they think pretty much everything is cheesy so…) We’ve played it several times and always have lots of fun because different people pick different blocks each time therefore the game never gets stale. Best of all, the assembly is super-simple so you can make and play it all in the same day–just make sure that you allow enough time for the Modge Podge to dry.