Finish Strong

Athlete woman crossing finishing line

The holidays are upon us which means that we will soon be ushering in a new year that is full of hope and promise.

In the past, I’ve been known to jump on the resolution bandwagon and have determined to “fix” every area of my life with a slew of New Year’s resolutions that rarely lasted past February (if even that long.) After years of failing to fulfill my resolutions, I finally decided to chuck the whole notion of them. Now, I no longer set “resolutions”, instead, I set intentions for the year (more on this in January). I also choose to bypass January and do the biggest part of my annual goal setting process in the summer with my annual birthday audit (read more about that here.) Yes–it is an audit but it is an enjoyable process that I genuinely look forward to every year, and if you aren’t too overloaded with holiday happenings, it would certainly be a valuable process to help you begin your year with purposeful intention.

However; as important as all of this intention setting and goal getting is (and it is important!) I believe that there is one crucial step that is often overlooked in the success process. In order to start a new year well (whether it be on January 1st or on your birthday) I believe that we must also strive to finish well.

Fab Factor #7: Security

Five Exercises to Strengthen Your Sense of Security

blonde girl

According to Dan Baker, Ph.D. and co-author of the book, What Happy People Know (Rodale Inc., 2003), an abiding sense of security has been determined to be one of the top twelve contributing factors to a FabYOUlous life. That being the case, it is important that we define what exactly is meant by security. For some people, a sense of security comes from having enough money in the bank to weather a financial crisis. Others find security in their relationship status, outward appearance, social status etc. While there is nothing inherently wrong with any of these factors, they each fall short when it comes to understanding the meaning of a true and lasting sense of security.

“Say Cheese!” Or Better Yet, Don’t…

10 Tips to Help You Look Fab-YOU-lous in Your Holiday Photos

Little photographer making a picture of a baby with Santa Claus hat on a over white background

The holidays bring so many wonderful opportunities to create magical memories and of course you’ll want to capture those memories on film…or at least in your digital camera (does anyone actually use film anymore?) This is all well and good until you see an unflattering photo of yourself tagged on someone else’s Facebook page–am I right?

While it isn’t possible to take a perfect photo every time, therefore ensuring that you’ll never be tagged in a less than flattering Facebook post; there are some things that you can do to increase your odds of taking a good photo. Follow these simple tips to look FabYOUlous in your upcoming holiday photos.

 10 Simple Tips for Looking FabYOUlous in Your Holiday Photos

50 Fab-YOU-lous Things to be Thankful for

On Thanksgiving and EVERY Day

Give thanksThanksgiving has always been one of my favorite holidays. I love the smell of the turkey, mashed potatoes and desserts wafting from the kitchen and the enjoyment of family as the men huddle around to watch football and the ladies make jokes about the men. Mostly though, I love the way Thanksgiving focuses our attention upon all of the incredible blessings that we have to be thankful for. Things that we should be grateful for every day but oftentimes take for granted.

I hope that this Thanksgiving day finds you delighting in the sights, sounds, smells and TASTES of the holiday and that your heart is full as you count your many blessings. If however; you’re struggling this holiday season and not quite feeling the thankfulness vibe, please take heart and take a look around. Even when things are difficult, there are still so many wonderful things for which to be thankful.

In order to help jump-start a gratitude groove, I’ve compiled a list of 50 things to be thankful for.

Go from Frazzled to Fab-YOU-lous this Holiday Season

10 Tips for Beating Holiday Stress

Christmas holiday stress. Stressed woman shopping for gifts holding christmas presents wearing red santa hat looking angry and distressed with funny expression on black chalkboard background.

The holiday season is upon us and for many of us, that means that it is time to get BUSY. There is holiday baking, shopping, decorating, wrapping and crafting to do. Not to mention the normal chores that need to be done like laundry, grocery shopping and dusting. Throw in a few office parties, kid’s holiday programs and cookie exchanges and before you know it, the month between Thanksgiving and Christmas can turn into one big, tinsel-tangled ball of chaos and exhaustion.