Today is my birthday and I am SO excited! I love everything about birthdays–cake, presents, candles to blow out (LOTS of candles to blow out–oh well) and fun messages from friends and family.
I think another reason that I so love celebrating birthdays is because I am finally at a place in my life where I am comfortable in my own skin, confident in my various roles and at ease with the way in which my life is unfolding. Sure–I still have things that I struggle with (hello swimming suits and caffeine addiction) and there are still occasional moments when I want to punch a hole in the wall. On the whole though–life is good and I feel truly blessed to have a life that I love and a future that excites me.
As I look back on my life, I am astounded at how much different life feels to me now at 45 than it did at 35. So many things have changed in the last decade that as I look back, I hardly recognize the person that I once was. Ten years ago, I was on the precipice of what would be the biggest battle of my life thus far. I was struggling in a downward spiral of a marriage and facing an uphill battle with an eating disorder. I was scared, desperate and lost. I’ll tell you this though–as messed up as that girl was, I’m proud of her. She went through some hard things, fell apart, put herself back together, worked her butt off and somehow managed to piece together a good life for herself and her sons.
I wish I could have lunch with that sweet, crazy, scared younger version of myself. I’d put my arms around her, give her a big hug, look her straight in the eyes and tell her that she was going to have to fight like hell for the life that she deserved, but that if she did fight, she would get it. I’d also pass on to her a few other pieces of wisdom that I’ve gained over the last decade…