This week is my birthday week and if there is one thing I LOVE–it is birthdays!! Yes–I struggle a bit with the whole getting older bit (go away wrinkles and cellulite!!) but overall, I am enjoying my life and happy to celebrate another year on this amazing planet.
I also love the fact that my birthday falls during the middle part of the year because it makes for a good time to do some reflection and re-evaluation regarding the intentions that I had set for myself at the beginning of the year (to read about my awesome mid-year personal audit process click here). Regardless of whether I am on track with my goals or I need to do some re-calibrating, one thing that I have learned is that it is never too late to make the current year your BEST year yet and July is the perfect time to get back on track if you’ve drifted off course a bit.
If you are committed to living your most FabYOUlous life, then that means that you need to start having some pretty FabYOUlous years. In order to get the ball rolling and make this year, your best year yet, try these four FabYOUlous suggestions…