Fab Factor #8: Altruism

healthcare, people, gesture and medicine concept - close up of women hands on top of each other over green background

I am typing this post while sitting in a hotel room in Washington D.C. and it just happens to be Martin Luther King Jr. Day. How serendipitous that I am typing about the value of altruism in our nation’s capital on a day that has now become recognized as a national day of service. Today, as I flew to D.C. for a business trip, my two teenage sons were back in Colorado helping to install free smoke detectors in homes in at-risk neighborhoods as a part of a volunteer project through the American Red Cross. As they were busy making a difference in our town, others all across the nation were joining together on various philanthropic projects to help make their communities and our nation as a whole, a better place for all citizens–something that I believe would make Dr. King extremely proud.

According to Dan Baker, Ph.D. and co-author of the book, What Happy People Know (Rodale Inc., 2003), this notion of altruism (the principle or practice of concern for the welfare of others) has been determined to be one of the top twelve contributing factors to a FabYOUlous life.

10 Simple Steps to Make 2016 Your Most Fab-YOU-lous Year Yet

75 Years

It’s not too late! Even if you’ve already blown your resolutions, it’s still only January so there is plenty of time left to knock this year out of the park. If you truly want this year to be different from all of the previous years, however; you will need to think and act differently than you ever have before. We’ve all heard that the definition of crazy is doing the same thing over and over again but expecting a different outcome–and yet how many of us fall into the same old routines and habits day after day, month after month, year after year?

Well the time has come to KNOCK IT OFF. You say that you want things to be different in your life so…let’s make them DIFFERENT. Implement these 10 trusted life coaching strategies now and next year at this time you’ll be able to look back with pride and gratitude at all of the FabYOUlous things that you accomplished in 2016. Let’s get started…

Don’t be Derailed by these Five Motivation Myths

846f76_1fe45588ea7c40d2854c1741f8c19cd1Ah January–what a tease you are. You start off so fresh and full of hope as you tempt us with the promise of a new year, new hopes, new dreams and new determination. But then you turn on us. Your nights are long and dark and your days are cold. The promises that we wanted to so much to believe in turned out to be lies and the goals that we were so fired up about now seem like nothing more than wishful thinking…and it’s only January 10th.
What happened? Where did all of our commitment to a new and improved version of ourselves go? How can all of the motivation that we had in abundance on January 1st now be so, so…gone?
I’ll tell you what happened…we bought into the lies. We were sold a bill of goods and banked our improved futures on these Five Motivational Myths. Fortunately for those of us who were duped, there is a way to counter each of these damaging myths and rebound in a way that can take us even higher than we had originally hoped…keep reading.
Five Motivational Myths and How to Counter Them

Top 10 Secrets of Fab-YOU-lously Motivated People


It’s January 6th as I’m typing this and the talk at the office today centered around how many of my co-workers had already broken their New Year’s resolutions. I personally don’t make resolutions (click here to read why) but I do understand the frustration of setting a goal only to run out of steam before it is realized.

Motivation is a key element when it comes to reaching any goal and yet, despite its critical importance, motivation can be so difficult to understand and even harder to maintain.

People who have learned to master motivation are able to consistently accomplish significant feats such as running marathons, writing books, losing weight, building businesses, getting out of debt etc. In fact, with the right motivation, anyone can accomplish just about anything–but what exactly is motivation and how do we hang on to it when the going gets tough? 

31 Questions for 31 Days

January 2016


If you’ve studied any philosophy in high school or college, you’ve no doubt heard of The Socratic Method. It is a form of inquiry (named after the classical Greek philosopher, Socrates) that is based upon asking and answering questions to stimulate critical thinking and to illuminate ideas.

For as long as I can remember, I’ve always been one to ask a lot of questions. I’m sure that this sometimes annoyed my parents and exasperated my teachers, but asking questions is how I learned to satisfy my curiosity about the many interesting things in the world around me. Once I was in college however; my academic advisor taught me the value of asking questions in order to gain understanding not just of the world around me, but also of the things that were going on inside of me. Not only did this help me to finally decide upon a major–it also helped me to become more connected to my inner being and more sure of the direction that I wanted my life to take.