Hug & Kiss Your Way to Fab-YOU-lous Health

Happy Romantic Young Couple in Love Outdoors; Shutterstock ID 233925091

Okay–it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to know that hugging and kissing feel good. There are few things in this world that I crave more than physical affection. Whether it is a hot & steamy make out session with my hubby or big bear hug from one of my sons, I thrive on the exchange of love and affection between two people. It wasn’t until recently however, that I discovered research that shows that not only do these exchanges feel good-they actually are good. I was excited to read that there are numerous documented physical and emotional health benefits to hugging and kissing.

Obviously, we don’t need an excuse for showing affection, but if you’re sweetie wonders why you’re extra lovey-dovey all of a sudden; just tell him that you’re doing it for the sake of his health and then rattle off a few of these FabYOUlous health benefits…

Fitness Fun in the Hot Summer Sun

846f76_b0961d0b4bb04699a54ae761ffafdb35Whew! It’s August here in Colorado and it is HOT. Okay–maybe our elevation and low humidity levels help to keep us from really burning up like some other states–but still…it is plenty warm here at the base of the Rocky Mountains.

Fortunately for me, summer happens to be my favorite time of year. I love the fact that the days are long and the warm weather allows for lots of fun outside activity. I especially love the fact that so many of my favorite summer activities also happen to be good for me. I mean, can you believe it? Fitness that is actually fun?  Oh sure–I know that there are those of you out there (you LUCKY ones!) who actually enjoy working out, but for some reason, I didn’t seem to inheret that gene. That’s why I am so thankful that all of this warm weather fun has numerous emotional and physical health benefits. For instance–did you know that sunlight can help you to fit into your skinny jeans more easily? Yep–it’s true! When sunlight hits your skin, it triggers the production of nitric oxide, a compound that helps to regulate glucose and insulin levels in the body. This helps you to burn more fat rather than storing it. Additionally, adults who get Vitamin D from the sun are far more likely to live into their 90’s because Vitamin D helps to produce telomerase, an enzyme that protects DNA from damage.

If you are looking for a few great ways to enjoy what’s left of summer while also boosting your physical and emotional health and having a FabYOUlously good time, give a few of these great outdoor activities a try–you’re bound to find one that’s right for you.

Give Toxins the Brush-Off



What do you see when you look at the image to the right?  If you said a shower scrubber/brush you are…wrong.

I know, I know…that’s what I thought it was too but I’ve recently learned that these brushes are actually meant to be used when your skin is dry.

Dry Brushing is an ayurvedic cleansing technique that has been used for centuries and has proven benefits not only for one’s skin, but for one’s insides as well.  It is a very simple practice that only takes five minutes a day and costs nothing once a brush has been purchased.

The Incredible Power of a Single Breath

Sporty beautiful woman relaxing and stretching arms and back. Female athlete breathing and doing relaxation exercise at the beach Krabi Thailand.Breathing…something so simple, so automatic that we were literally born knowing how to do it. We don’t enroll in classes to teach us the mechanics of breathing and we don’t go to sleep at night worried about whether or not we’ll remember how to breathe when we wake up.  We simply breathe as an automatic, natural reflex.

Unfortunately, despite it being a natural reflex, breathing is something that many of us do incorrectly–especially at times of great stress.  Rather than taking deep breaths that adequately fill our lungs and invigorate us, we take shallow, hurried breaths that can deprive the brain of oxygen at a time when we need it the most and leave us feeling fatigued.

The next time you feel overwhelmed, hurried or stressed out (none of which are anywhere near FabYOUlous!) try this technique…

Take a Stand for Good Health

846f76_2d8e74fe5aed4ef7b7e64e31f3ae5089There’s bad news on the health front for all of us who spend our days at a desk, sitting for hours on end while we work on a computer or shuffle papers. Though we might feel as though we are out of harm’s way as we work at our nice, safe office in our cushy swivel chair–we are WRONG and the culprit that is putting us at risk is the very chair that we are glued to day in and day out.  

Actually–it’s not so much the chair that’s to blame as it is the amount of time that we spend sitting in it.