Work with Me

Let's Make Some Magic


The mug above says it all. I’d love to work with you to help you create your most FabYOUlous life imaginable.

What exactly does that mean?

Well, that depends on what you are desiring for your life.

As a certified life coach, and Desire Map and Fire Starter Sessions facilitator, I can help you to uncover your most authentic desires, and then work with you to create an actionable plan to bring those desires to fruition in your life. We can do this in a few different ways. My coaching programs are outlined below, but before you dig in, check out this review from Jess W. regarding her coaching experience…

If you are finally ready to stop playing small in life and long to step into the most authentic, powerful and purpose filled version of yourself; you owe it to yourself to check out the different coaching programs that we have available–one is sure to be the right fit for you.

Coaching program pricing is as follows…

Super Session Program: Three, powerful coaching sessions with prescribed coaching activities that will help you to discover and develop your unique personality type, explore your core desire feelings and map out a plan to integrate the two into powerful and purposeful goals. The Super Session Program consists of three, one-hour long sessions, typically booked once a week or once every other week (please use the scheduling tool below to book your first Super Session appointment). Sessions may take place in person (if local), by phone or over Skype. Price: $150

Three Month Coaching Series: A more in-depth and client centered process for tapping into your most heartfelt desires and then creating a systematic plan for bringing those desires to life in your life. This program consists of six one-hour coaching sessions (two per month for three months) along with email support between sessions. Sessions are scheduled every other week to allow time for client follow-up work (please use scheduling tool below to schedule your coaching appointments). Enrollment in a three month coaching series also includes a free copy of the book, Finding FabYOUlous: A ‘Self-Help with Sass’ Guide to Finding, Celebrating and Capitalizing on the FabYOUlousness that Makes You, YOUSessions may take place in person (if local), by phone or over Skype. Price: $600

Six Month Coaching Series: For clients with a desire to go deeper and launch higher, a six month coaching session is just the ticket. Big goals require more time and more strategizing and that is exactly what this series provides. This program consists of twelve one-hour coaching sessions (two per month for six months) along with email support between sessions. Sessions are scheduled every other week to allow time for client follow-up work (please use scheduling tool below to schedule your coaching appointments). Enrollment in a six month coaching series also includes a free copy of the book, Finding FabYOUlous: A ‘Self-Help with Sass’ Guide to Finding, Celebrating and Capitalizing on the FabYOUlousness that Makes You, YOUSessions may take place in person (if local), by phone or over Skype. Price: $1200

*Both, the three and six month coaching series programs begin with a complimentary consultation call to fully explain the programs/expectations/desired outcomes etc. If, after the initial consultation, the client wishes to proceed with coaching, a coaching agreement will be sent out and payment arrangements will be made.

Please use the scheduling tool below to schedule your initial complimentary consultation, Super Session or Coaching Program


Additional Offerings…

Speaking Engagements: If you are looking for a keynote address, workshop facilitator or panel member for your next event, please reach out to me via the contact form below. I will be happy to discuss possible topics, workshops and trainings to accommodate the theme of your event. Pricing varies according to the type of event, attendance, travel accommodations etc.

Can We Talk?

You’re FabYOUlous and I want to hear from you! Seriously…I mean it!

If you have a great idea that you’d like to share or maybe some feedback on something that you’ve seen on the site–please let me know. Also, if you have any questions about my coaching programs or speaking opportunities–this is the place to be heard. If you’re just wanting to be mean and say nasty things, I’ll probably block you (fair warning!) but if you have something that is genuinely constructive or if you would like to discuss the possibility of advertising on/collaborating with; please fill out the form below and contact me!

My policy is to try to respond within 24 hours.  I promise that I’ll do my best!

Thanks for reading and sharing–your input means the world to me!