I always feel a tinge of trepidation when I start to write a fitness post–especially one that happens to be scheduled for the very beginning of swimsuit season. I mean, I am all for loving your body no matter what shape/size/color it is, and I truly believe that we ALL have bikini bodies if we simply find a bikini and put it on our body. So, please, please know that this post is not here to shame anyone into feelings of insecurity when it comes to body image. Instead, I write this post in an effort to help each one of us to feel better physically, because there is plenty of science to show that feeling physically strong and healthy carries over into our emotional well-being as well.
One physical change that I have noticed (especially after I entered my 40’s) is the slowing down of my metabolism. I used to enjoy (thanks to good genetics from my “Energizer Bunny” father), a high metabolism rate that helped to keep me fit without a lot of extra effort on my part. Well, things have changed and my metabolism has slowed waaaaaayyyy down. This stinks because not only does a strong metabolism help when it comes to maintaining a fit physique, it also helps to strengthen the immune system and contributes to a long, healthy life.
Fortunately, there are some easy (and completely natural) ways that we can rev up our metabolism, simply by making a few lifestyle adjustments
FabYOUlous Ways to Fire Up Your Metabolism
- Don’t skip breakfast! A healthy breakfast is a simple way to rev your metabolism right out of the gate. Make sure that your breakfast is a good mix of healthy fats and protein (perhaps an egg omelette, some fresh fruit and a sliced avocado). Having a healthy breakfast, every single day will fire up your metabolism and help to boost your energy all day long.
- Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate. There are so many health benefits associated with drinking plenty of water and it is SUCH an easy thing to do. Upping your water intake not only boosts your metabolism, it also helps to fill you up before a meal (so you are less likely to overeat) and does wonders for your skin. To add a little flavor (and extra health benefit) to your water intake, click here for some delicious infused water recipes.
Take a stand. Did you know that many health experts have dubbed prolonged sitting as the “new smoking” because it has such detrimental effects on physical health? Yikes! Still, many of us have jobs where we spend our days sitting on our duffs in front of a computer–all. day. long. Fortunately, this is a simple lifestyle hack to incorporate because all we have to do is stand up. In fact, compared with sitting, an afternoon of standing can fire up your metabolism and burn an extra 175 calories. If possible, look into investing in a standing desk, but if that isn’t feasible, simply make the effort to spend more time standing every day.
- Eat regularly. By eating at regular times throughout the day, every day you will help to keep your metabolism level steady rather than having it spike and dip.
- Spice things up. Add a little zing to your meals by adding some spicy pepper. Peppers contain capsaicin, a chemical compound that stimulates thermogenesis and fires up metabolism.
- Sleep on it. Good sleep is essential in order for all bodily functions to operate effectively–this includes metabolism. If you are like me and struggle to get a full eight hours of sleep, click here for some tips on how to improve the quality and quantity of your sleep.
- Fill up on protein and healthy fats. Protein will keep you feeling fuller, longer and it takes longer to digest, therefore revving your metabolism. Healthy fats that contain Omega 3s (tuna, salmon etc.) help to reduce inflammation in the body while also reducing stress hormones.
- Flex some muscle. Exercising and building up muscle is one of the quickest ways to fire up metabolism because muscle weighs more than fat and burns more energy.
- Add essential oils to your health regimen. One to two drops of grapefruit oil added to your water can help stimulate metabolism. Ginger is another oil with fantastic metabolism revving properties. As with anything you ingest, you’ll want to make sure that you are using only the highest quality oils. Click here to learn more about the many benefits of essential oils.
While none of these suggestions are overly complex or complicated, they can all help to increase your metabolism. Start by adding just one of these simple lifestyle changes and then gradually begin adding in others. As you start to see and (more importantly) feel the difference that these small tweaks can make in your life, you’ll build momentum and want to maintain your healthier, more energetic lifestyle.
For even more ways to energize your life–click the image to receive our popular ebook, “50 FabYOUlous Ways to Energize Your Life“
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