Cute, Cuddly and Good for Your Health

How Your Pets Keep You Happy AND Healthy

Health Benefits of Having PetsWhether they say “meow”, “woof” or “Polly want a cracker”, our pets play such a significant role in our lives. They selflessly provide us with unconditional love, faithful companionship and endless entertainment. One of the biggest benefits of pet ownership however, might be the incredible health benefits that we as pet owners experience.

Stay Young While Having Fun

Staying Young While Having FunToday is my birthday!! Even though I am a year older and now, officially closer to 50 than 40 (I’m 46 today), I can honestly say that I feel younger today than I did five years ago. Sure, there are still times when I may feel a little tuckered after going for a run, but five years ago I never went for a run…like never.

I can also honestly say that I am having more fun in my life now than I was five years ago. I’ve learned to Stand Up Paddle Board, I travel more, enjoy various hobbies and I enjoy hiking and riding my bicycle etc. This made me start to wonder if there was any correlation then between having fun and staying young so I decided to do a little research and guess what–there is a BIG correlation.

If you’d like to discover your own personal Fountain of Youth, try a few of these FUN and FabYOUlous tips to help you turn back the clock on aging…

Walk Your Way to Fab-YOU-lous Health

Benefits of walking (1)Spring is (finally) in the air so now is the time to add a little spring to your step as well and add walking to your fitness routine.

As a runner, I personally have overlooked the benefits of walking because I figured that surely running had to be better for me (how did I become such a running snob???) I am now however, starting to learn that that is not necessarily the case. Sure–running has some added cardio benefits and might help you reach your fitness goals a bit more quickly; however, running can also be extremely hard on the body and lead to joint problems and other injuries. This information about the benefits of walking appeals to me because though I don’t intend to give up on running (participating in a half marathon is still on my bucket list), I am excited to hear that walking is a viable option for me on those days when my body just isn’t up for a run. 

Making Self-Care a Top Priority

Self Care

This post is one that I wrote several months ago. I decided to post it today because 1.) I am on my way to Hawaii to spend a wonderful week of fun and relaxation with my family so a post on self-care seemed appropriate since that is what the upcoming week will be all about for my clan and 2.) it is about a topic that we women tend to struggle with–we are so good at taking care of everyone else, but we rarely make our own self care a priority. I hope that you enjoy the post and I look forward to sharing my Hawaiian adventures with you once I return to good ol’ Colorado.  Mahalo!

It happened.  I’m not proud to admit it…but all the denying, justifying and excuse making in the world won’t change that fact that it happened.  I (a 45 year old wife, mother and successful career woman) had a melt down.  Not just any melt down mind you; I had a full blown, two-year-old-throwing-a-temper-tantrum kind of melt down, complete with tears, slamming doors and a few words that aren’t fit for print.

To be completely honest, I don’t even remember what exactly triggered my melt down. Someone must’ve said or done something terrible…right? I mean…grown women don’t just fall apart like that for no reason do they? Surely someone had to have committed some grievous crime against humanity in order to spark such an epic fit on my part…right?

Infuse Your Water–Infuse Your Health


It’s the beginning of January as I type this post so naturally I (along with millions of other people) am thinking about things that I’d like to do differently in the coming year. I do not make resolutions anymore because I’ve found that they just don’t work for me. Instead, I set intentions for the coming year.

This year, one of the FabYOUlous intentions that I am setting for myself is to become more health conscious. I’m not resolving to go to the gym more or to give up red meat, but I am intending to live a more healthy lifestyle by becoming more mindful of the way in which I take care of my body.

One simple change that I intend to make is to drink more water and LESS SODA. Unfortunately, simple does not necessarily mean easy. This change will be a difficult one for me because I am pretty much addicted to the fizzy goodness that is Coca Cola. However; I know that soda is BAD for me so I am determined to find a way to replace some of my soda consumption with good ol’ H20 (for a breakdown of several little known benefits of drinking more water click here)