Dipping My Toe into the World of Woo

and my Favorite Beginners Resources for those who are Ready to explore the Possibilities

First a disclaimer…

I am not crazy. In fact, I am sometimes entirely too rational for my own good. I don’t jump onto bandwagons and I don’t readily accept things to be true just because someone says that they are. I like to research, quantify and form my own rational opinions about things.

That being the case, I have always considered the “new age” movement to be a bit too wackadoo and “woo woo” for my logical sensibilities.

Something inside of me is shifting though. It started subtly…intuitive hunches that turned out to be correct, synchronistic happenings that were just a little too coincidental to be explained, etc. Then, those experiences grew into something more.

Weaving Mindfulness Throughout Your Day

Mini Mindfulness Moments that can Transform Your Outlook on Life

Mindfulness is such a popular buzzword these days, but what exactly does it mean, and more importantly–how do we obtain it?

I’ll be the first to confess-the whole concept of mindfulness, is one that intimidated me for a long time. In my mind, I equated mindfulness with hours spent on a meditation pillow, doing nothing but breathing; and frankly, that sounded really, really boring to me. Thankfully, after studying the topic a bit more, I’ve come to a much clearer understanding of what mindfulness really is and how to incorporate it into my life in small, intentional doses throughout the day. These simple tweaks have allowed me to seamlessly integrate mindful moments into my schedule and reap the benefits of a clearer, more aligned, mind, body and spirit.

If you, (like me), have a non-stop life, but still long for a more mindful existence, try incorporating a few of these simple techniques into your day.

Tap into Your Sisu When the Going Gets Tough

Tap into My what??

What is it about Scandinavians? They consistently rank as among the happiest people on the planet and they have some of the funniest sounding words (remember my recent post on Hygge, yep that’s a Scandinavian word too). Still…funny vocabulary aside–the rest of us on planet earth could certainly benefit by taking note of some of these Scandinavian words, and incorporating into our routines, the concept that the words define–like for instance, the word sisu.

Reignited and it Feels SO Good

7 Ways to Light Your Fire When You're Feeling Burned Out

Oh burnout. It catches up with all of us at one time or another. Maybe we’ve run ourselves ragged trying to keep up with kids, work, mortgage payments…life. Or, perhaps our burnout is the result of chasing our dream, but chasing a little too hard. I’ve experienced both.

The crazy thing about burnout is that it isn’t always easy to recognize. We may feel a little cranky or out of sorts, or maybe we just have a hard time dragging ourselves out of bed in the morning. It comes on subtly and without warning; but without proper tending, burnout can suck us into spiral of depression, lethargy and disconnection that can be incredibly difficult to escape.

The key to overcoming burnout is to reignite your passion for life. There is a huge difference between being “on fire” and being burned out; and all you need to do to go from the latter to the former is to rediscover your spark and then, throw some fuel on it.

The trick is to recognize the early symptoms of burnout and then treat the underlying cause of those symptoms. Here are seven easy ways to do just that…

What the Hygge?

What Exactly is Hygge and How to Bring it Into Your Home for Spring

Hygge (pronounced hoo-ga) is a word that has been around for a long time but is just starting to gain traction in the U.S. It originates from a Norwegian word that loosely translates to a sense of comfort, well-being and togetherness. It’s the cozy feeling you have when you are curled up under a blanket with a good book and cup of cocoa as the snow falls outside; or when you and your family gather around the table for a game of Uno (or better yet–Jenga with a Twist) after having shared a meal together.

The Danes are famously the happiest people on the planet (despite having terrible weather and one of the highest tax rates in the world) and one of the biggest reasons for this is the fact that hygge is a cornerstone of their way of life. This is a lesson that the rest of the world could benefit from learning.