20 Creative Ways to Boost Your Creativity

It's Time to get Creative about Creativity

Albert Einstein once referred to creativity as “intelligence having fun”. I don’t know about you, but I like being intelligent and I especially like it if it’s fun.

However; despite my desire to live a creative life, the truth of the matter is that I’ve never really considered myself to be a particularly creative person. Oh sure—I like to create; I knit, crochet, craft, and write, however, the things that I create are usually from a pattern that someone else has created and I am simply replicating. Heck, even my writing, though original, typically falls in the non-fiction, self-help genre rather than among more creative fictional works.

Mental Health Boosters for Tough Times

20 Ways to Nurture Your Emotional Well-Being when Times are Hard

How are you doing?


That’s how we always answer that question, isn’t it?  Is it true though? Are you really doing fine?

I’m asking because I personally, haven’t been as fine as usual these past few months. I’ve been struggling to bounce back after two very invasive eye surgeries that kept me out of the game far longer than I had anticipated.

Fortunately, I think the worst is finally behind me as far as the surgeries go (though I still haven’t been released for all activities), but still…it has been an ordeal.

I think the thing that surprised me the most about my situation is the toll that my physical condition had on my mental well-being. In fact, if I’m being honest, I feel as though I’m bouncing back physically more quickly than I am emotionally.

Fortunately, as a trained and certified Life Coach, I have a few tricks up my sleeve when it comes to helping clients to bounce back after setbacks. Now it’s time to try a few of these strategies out on myself.

If you find yourself feeling a little blue or off your game, pick out a few of these suggestions to implement in your own life. Emotional health is just as important (maybe even more important than) physical wellness, so don’t let it take a back seat when the going gets tough.

Ready to Get Lucky?

5 Simple Ways to Invite More Luck into Your Life

Ahhh March—the month of shamrocks, leprechauns, pots of gold and LUCK.

How lucky are you feeling this month? Are you one of those who always seems to snag the closest parking spot at the store right after hitting nothing but green lights? Does your name often get pulled for prize drawings, and your parade never get rained out?

Or are you just the opposite—someone who never seems to catch a break and often tends to get kicked when you’re down?

I’ll confess, for the longest time, I felt like the latter. It seemed that no matter how hard I tried to make things go right in my life, something always came along to mess things up.

That has changed though.

No, I didn’t find a lucky four-leaf clover, nor did I uncover a genie to grant me wishes. I simply began to understand the fact that I alone, was responsible for the amount of luck in my life. Let me tell you—that one realization has made ALL the difference.

Vibe Up to Level Up

Raise your vibration to raise your experience of life

Could it be possible that the Beach Boys of 1966 had a deeper understanding of Universal laws than most of us do in 2018? I mean, clearly their hit song Good Vibrations was about a girl–but that girl definitely knew how to put out some good vibes and attract the guys.

I have no idea how well versed the Beach Boys were in subjects like quantum physics or magnetic frequency, however, it’s clear that they knew a little something about the effects that good vibrations have on attraction and (in their words) “excitations”. In fact, whether they knew it or not–the Universal Law of Vibration is one of the most powerful laws impacting our lives in every single moment of our existence.

In simple terms, the Universal Law of Vibration states that every particle in the universe is in constant motion and carries energy within it. This law applies to everything from giant planets, stars and moons to the pencil on your desk and the chair under your butt. This isn’t just a bunch of new age woo-woo, this is actual science as there are high-powered microscopes that are able to see the vibrational energy of even solid objects. What’s more–not only do all objects vibrate, they vibrate at different frequencies and, thanks to the Law of Attraction (for an overview of all 12 Universal Laws, click here), objects with a high vibrational frequency are attracted to other items with high frequencies (the same is true for objects with low vibrational frequencies–they attract other low vibe objects/experiences). High vibe objects, experiences and emotions are those that elevate our lives to higher levels of joy, contentment, love and compassion, while low vibes will make us feel tired, stuck, lethargic and unenthused. If you’re curious as to how you’re vibing, here is a checklist to guide you…

Summertime and the Living is…Hectic?

50 FabYOUlous Ways to Entertain your Kiddos this Summer

Okay–I know that it seems strange that I (a woman whose children are now in their early 20’s) am writing a post about how to keep children entertained during the summer. I realize that this is no longer an issue that I, personally, have to deal with, however; I still, to this day, have PTSD from the many summers of trying desperately to keep two busy little boys entertained during the long, hot days of summer vacation.

So, in an effort to help those of you who are still in the trenches; I’ve put together a list of some of the activities that my boys enjoyed back in the day, and have combined those suggestions with other ideas that I have found through research and by chatting with friends of mine who still have school aged kiddos. Hopefully this list will give you a few ideas that you haven’t tried yet, or spur your own creativity to come up with additional suggestions. I have to confess, some of these ideas sound super fun. I may want to try them…even without kids!