Ready to Get Lucky?

5 Simple Ways to Invite More Luck into Your Life

Ahhh March—the month of shamrocks, leprechauns, pots of gold and LUCK.

How lucky are you feeling this month? Are you one of those who always seems to snag the closest parking spot at the store right after hitting nothing but green lights? Does your name often get pulled for prize drawings, and your parade never get rained out?

Or are you just the opposite—someone who never seems to catch a break and often tends to get kicked when you’re down?

I’ll confess, for the longest time, I felt like the latter. It seemed that no matter how hard I tried to make things go right in my life, something always came along to mess things up.

That has changed though.

No, I didn’t find a lucky four-leaf clover, nor did I uncover a genie to grant me wishes. I simply began to understand the fact that I alone, was responsible for the amount of luck in my life. Let me tell you—that one realization has made ALL the difference.

Now, I truly feel like the luckiest girl in the world, and the Universe is doing a fantastic job of supporting that feeling (I mean, I did win an all-expenses paid trip for four to Hawaii and rarely do I not get a front row parking spot).

If you are ready to get Lady Luck back on your side, try the following suggestions and then prepare to smile as you hear your friends constantly say “you are SO lucky”…then, spread the luck by sharing these tips with them as well.

Five Simple Ways to Get Lucky…

  • Recognize luck for what it truly is. What most people attribute to luck is really just an ability to be open to and seize opportunity when it arises. Oprah Winfrey once said, “I don’t believe in luck. Luck is simply a matter of preparation meeting the moment of opportunity”. I have found this to be true in my life as well. Yes—I felt incredibly lucky when I won the trip to Hawaii, but I wouldn’t have won it if I hadn’t taken the opportunity to enter the contest. I had also (a few months earlier) created a vision board that had a beautiful photo of Waikiki beach on it. That image had ingrained into my subconscious and helped me to recognize and act upon the opportunity to enter the contest when it arose. Yes—there was some chance involved, however; I never could have won if I hadn’t envisioned a tropical vacation and then taken the initiative to enter the contest.
  • Be the rising tide. There is an old saying that says “a rising tide lifts all boats”. When we work for the betterment of not just ourselves, but for others as well, we become a powerful magnet for luck. Not only do we create an atmosphere of cooperation and interconnection, we build bonds with others who will want to support us when they are able. This doesn’t mean that we should be generous to others just so they will feel indebted to us, it simply means creating a community where luck and abundance are generously shared and therefore allowed to be manifested more freely.
  • Practice gratitude. For many of us, our natural bent is to notice when things are wrong, broken or unfair. This is why adopting a daily gratitude practice is so important. Gratitude is the one surest way to bring luck, abundance and joy into our lives. When we make a conscious effort to express gratitude for the good things in our lives, we (by way of the Law of Attraction) naturally attract even more good things. Additionally, taking the time to appreciate our many blessings might just help us to realize how truly lucky we already are.
  • Put yourself out there. Often, we get so conditioned to our same old routine—day in and day out—that we forget that there is a whole wide world out there just waiting for us to come play in it. The more we expand our sphere of experiences and relationships, the more opportunity we have to find lucky breaks, make meaningful connections and discover new paths. Sometimes luck is waiting for you to step outside of your comfort zone and do a little exploring.
  • Tell negativity to take a hike. It is impossible to invite more luck, abundance and good fortune into your life if you are filling your mind, body and spirit with negativity. If you truly want to get lucky, you need to take a hard look at the substances and influences that you are allowing into your being. Do you fill your body with nutritious, energizing food or are you addicted to fast-food drive-ins and alcohol? Do you waste away in front of a television, watching mind numbing reality TV shows or do you fill your mind with content that encourages creativity and personal development? How about your social circle? Is it filled with people who encourage you and inspire you to be the best person that you can be or do you hang out with people who are dishonest, negative and going nowhere in life (if you tend more toward the latter, you might want to read this post on setting strong personal boundaries). So much of our experience of life can be molded by the influences that we allow into our consciousness. If your luck seems to have run out, it might be time to start cleaning up your act. Rid your surroundings, your body and your psyche of negativity and just watch how things begin to change for the better.

You truly don’t have to have been born under a lucky star or find a field of four-leaf clovers to turn your luck around. The luck that you experience in your life is entirely created by you and your own choices.

Once you recognize that fact and begin taking steps to raise your vibrations (more suggestions here) and take accountability for your thoughts, words and actions, you’ll soon start to feel like the luckiest person you know.

Today truly is your lucky day…click the image below to receive our two most popular ebooks for FREE


Rockin' a FabYOUlous life as an author, speaker, blogger, coach and consumer of way too much caffeine. Let me help you to ditch the drab and find your FAB--it's possible and it's FUN!

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