Apples Have Great A-Peel


We’ve all heard the old adage “an apple a day keeps the doctor away”, but did you know that there really is a lot of truth behind the saying.  Apples might not be the magic elixir that keeps all doctors away, but they do contain flavonoids which are antioxidants that reduce cellular damage that leads to the risk of heart disease, lung cancer, stroke and diabetes.  They are also a great source of dietary fiber.

Thanks to 846f76_1b191f65b7774dbca0aaa4be81b932e1evolution and creative breeders, there are now over 7,500 known apple varieties and approximately 100 of those varieties are grown and sold commercially in the US.  Here is a list of some of the more common apple types and their various uses…

Red Delicious:  This apple variety is easily the most recognizable thanks to its shade of red that has been likened to a     can of Coca Cola.  Its mild flavor and gritty/slightly firm texture make it a great addition to salads but it is also a favorite    for snacking and prese846f76_825d8392c0d442c28b1be796625d7077nting to teachers on the first day of school.

Golden Delicious:  This tasty apple was first discovered on a family farm in West Virginia and has risen through the       ranks to become one of the most popular varieties.  Easily identifiable due to its yellow skin, this apple is grown year round in a variety of climates. Its mild, sweet flavor and smooth, dry texture make it great for snacking while its thin skin makes it a top pick for baking.

Honey846f76_9914f52e74424421aa9ed8d46df2ac8ecrisp:  This apple is a hybrid cross between the Macoun and Honeygold varieties and was bred by researchers at  the University of Minnesota.  This highly prized variety is often a bit more pricey than other apple varieties but its combination of sweet and tart flavors make it a favorite for snacking.  It is also widely used in salads, sauces and pies.846f76_e8c5dadcda3145308d22a6d4c42fcd58

Granny Smith: 
 Did you know that Granny Smith was a real person?  Well she was.  Her name was Maria Ann Smith and she cultivated the first Granny Smith Apple in Australia.  This apple variety is thought to be a descendant of the French Crab Apple had is recognizable by its bright, shiny green skin.  Some people find its tart taste a bit overwhelming for snacking but it is popular in salads and pies.

Braeburn:  This all-purpose apple hails from New Zealand but is commercially available in the US from September through June.  Its skin is 846f76_22e42995afbe492a94b697960bd1b634typically yellow with red streaks.  The Braeburn has a spicy sweet flavor and a firm texture which makes it a perfect fit for pies, salads, sauces, baking and freezing as well as for snacking.  It truly is an all-purpose apple.

846f76_13be84563511422d858c23e048e5044fGala:  Like the Braeburn, the Gala apple also originated in New Zealand: however, it is more readily available year round in the US.  One of the most popular apple varieties in the US, the Gala apple also happens to be my personal favorite.  The crisp texture is satisfying to bite into and the sweet flavor has a hint of vanilla which makes it perfect for snacking, freezing and salads.

There are many wonderful apple recipes out there, but my all-time FAVORITE apple recipe is one that my beloved Grandma Brown used to make for me.  Nothing said “love” to me like a warm plate of her delicious Apple Crisp with a side scoop of vanilla ice cream.  Fortunately, before grandma passed away, she gave me a recipe card with her recipe on it.  I treasure the card because it has her recipe written in her handwriting.  If you’d like to make some of Grandma Brown’s FabYOUlous Apple Crisp click here for a link to the recipe.


Rockin' a FabYOUlous life as an author, speaker, blogger, coach and consumer of way too much caffeine. Let me help you to ditch the drab and find your FAB--it's possible and it's FUN!

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