Could it be possible that the Beach Boys of 1966 had a deeper understanding of Universal laws than most of us do in 2018? I mean, clearly their hit song Good Vibrations was about a girl–but that girl definitely knew how to put out some good vibes and attract the guys.
I have no idea how well versed the Beach Boys were in subjects like quantum physics or magnetic frequency, however, it’s clear that they knew a little something about the effects that good vibrations have on attraction and (in their words) “excitations”. In fact, whether they knew it or not–the Universal Law of Vibration is one of the most powerful laws impacting our lives in every single moment of our existence.
In simple terms, the Universal Law of Vibration states that every particle in the universe is in constant motion and carries energy within it. This law applies to everything from giant planets, stars and moons to the pencil on your desk and the chair under your butt. This isn’t just a bunch of new age woo-woo, this is actual science as there are high-powered microscopes that are able to see the vibrational energy of even solid objects. What’s more–not only do all objects vibrate, they vibrate at different frequencies and, thanks to the Law of Attraction (for an overview of all 12 Universal Laws, click here), objects with a high vibrational frequency are attracted to other items with high frequencies (the same is true for objects with low vibrational frequencies–they attract other low vibe objects/experiences). High vibe objects, experiences and emotions are those that elevate our lives to higher levels of joy, contentment, love and compassion, while low vibes will make us feel tired, stuck, lethargic and unenthused. If you’re curious as to how you’re vibing, here is a checklist to guide you…
You’re stuck in a low-vibe state if…
- You feel physically unwell/unfit
- You continually seem to make poor life choices
- You feel stuck in an unfulfilling existence
- Your relationships are dysfunctional
- You experience chronic pain
- You have no energy and feel a constant sense of lethargy
- Your finances are a wreck
- You have a difficult time trusting yourself or others
- You often experience feelings of resentment or jealousy
- You seek out unhealthy means of self-soothing (drugs, alcohol, sex, cigarettes, food, etc.)
- Your life lacks direction or purpose
- You watch a lot of violent multimedia
- You are needy or high maintenance–expecting others to take care of you because you are incapable of taking care of yourself
- You feel cooped up with little exposure to nature
- You struggle to feel or express gratitude
You’re enjoying a high-vibe state if…
- Smiling and laughing come easily to you
- Your relationships with others are joy-filled, meaningful and mutually beneficial
- You experience high levels of energy and physical vitality
- New opportunities often find their way to you–whether you consciously seek them out, or not
- You are able to delay gratification if doing so will lead to a better result in the long-run
- Other people are drawn to you
- You are highly creative and have lots of ideas that you’d like to pursue
- You feel that life is full of endless opportunity
- You feel divinely connected to your higher power
- You don’t take yourself too seriously
- You regularly exhibit a high level of self-discipline that serves you well
- Synchronicities and “happy accidents” happen for you on a regular basis
- You are filled with gratitude on a daily basis
- You can see the good in people and situations (even when others can’t)
- You have strong personal boundaries
- You feel as though your life has purpose and that you are following that purpose
- You regularly nurture yourself and others
- You enjoy regular time out in nature
- You are tuned in to your intuition
While these lists aren’t exhaustive, they should give you a pretty good idea as to how you are currently vibing in your life. If your life isn’t what you long for it to be, changing your vibration is one of the quickest and most effective ways to turn things around.
If you are serious about living a life of purpose, contentment and joy, try these vibration raising techniques today and start noticing the (almost immediate) effect that they they have on your life experience. Then, once you start living your life in a more consistently high-vibe state, you’ll be able to build on that initial momentum and continue to expand your experience of good vibrations–just like the Beach Boys.Vibe Up to Level Up
- Practice positive visualization with the help of a Vision Board. For suggestions on how to create a truly powerful Vision Board, click here.
- Recite daily affirmations. Click here to download and print a list of powerful abundance affirmations.
- Stop dwelling on the past or worrying about the future. Instead, embrace the present moment and live it to its fullest.
- Get rid of clutter in your space. Make room for fresh, new energy to come in.
- Go on a social media fast. I mean seriously–who needs to read one more angry political rant?
- Get outside into nature. Look up at the stars, take a walk through a park, breathe in some fresh air and feel your connection to all of nature.
- Practice an attitude of gratitude. Click here for practical suggestions on how to do this.
- Smile. Just the act of smiling (whether you feel like it or not) has been scientifically shown to increase one’s level of happiness.
- Use aromatherapy to elevate your vibes. I love essential oils for this purpose. Some of my favorites include Rose, Jasmine, Lavender, Frankincense, Peppermint, Sandalwood and Juniper Berry. If you’d like to learn more about essential oils and how to use them, click here.
- Be generous, kind and compassionate with others. Putting these vibes out into the Universe will bring those vibes back into your own experience.
- Listen to high-vibe music. While I’ll confess that I do love death metal (don’t judge), my music of choice when I need to raise my vibration is a special kind of music called wholetones This music is recorded at various frequencies that have been shown to promote healing, feelings of well being and joy.
- Get your blood flowing with some exercise. Even going for a simple walk around your block can do wonders for your emotional state. Click here for simple suggestions on how to rock your walk.
- Reduce the toxic load on your system. Click here for practical suggestions on how to do this.
- Shake up your chakras. If you have no idea what this means or how to do it, click here.
- Learn mindfulness through meditation. It’s not as complicated as you may think–click here for a guide to meditation that is written specifically for those who think that they can’t meditate (you can–I promise).
- Get enough sleep. No one can sustain a high vibrational level when exhausted. Click here for simple suggestions on improving your slumber.
- Forgive past hurts. You don’t have to lose the lesson, but you also don’t have to hold onto the pain. Let it go.
- Surround yourself with positive, upbeat people who model for you the kind of life that you want to live. For a closer look at the power of your posse, click here.
- Utilize the power of crystal energy. I am still a novice when it comes to using crystals, but I do believe that they can be powerful tools for increasing one’s vibrational frequency. Some top crystals for this purpose are Bloodstone, Smokey Quartz, Rose Quartz, Carnelian, Aventurine, Citrine, Celestine and turquoise. If you’d like to research the power of crystals further, check out my favorite book on the subject here.
- Focus upon the positive aspects in life because what you focus on, expands
- Spend time with a favorite animal. This is good on so many levels–click here to learn more.
- Drink plenty of water (not coffee, not soda, not even wine!)
- Own plants. They improve the flow of good energy in your home/room/office
- Find ways to express your creativity. Write, dance, sing, paint, craft…whatever delights your inner muse.
- Love. Love your spouse, love your kids, love your friends, but most importantly…love yourself.
- Connect to your higher power–whatever that means for you. For guidance on deepening your own spiritual connection, click here.
- Protect your own physical, emotional and spiritual energy by having solid personal boundaries. Admittedly, this one can be hard. For some advice on how to erect these boundaries, click here.
If some of this talk of vibrational energy sounds a little woo-woo for you, I get it. I was skeptical of the Law of Vibration too when I first heard of it, but then I experimented and the more I experimented, the more I became a believer. If you are interested in dipping your toe a bit more into this topic, check out this post that summarizes the 12 Spiritual Laws of the Universe and then download this powerful list of 50 FabYOUlous Resources for the Spiritually Curious.
Finally, don’t forget to grab our two FabYOUlous Freebies by clicking the image below…
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