FabYOUlous Habits for Creating a FabYOUlous Life


Like it or not, our habitual behavior (both positive and negative) is one of the single biggest indicators of how happy, prosperous and meaningful our lives will be.

Cultivating good habits can lead to abundance, health and joy, while giving in to bad habits not only detracts from our levels of fulfillment, it can literally cut our lives short (think cigarette smoking, illicit drug use etc.).

It makes sense then, that in order to truly live our most FabYOUlous lives, we need to focus our attention on building sustainable habits that add purpose, connection, joy and vitality to our lives. In fact, we can warp—speed our journey to FabYOUlousness if we take our old, bad habits and work to replace them with new, life affirming, soul edifying, body nourishing habits that move us closer the FabYOUlous vision that we hold for our lives.

If you’re feeling a little stuck and wondering what positive habits to start building into your life, check out this list for some fun and FabYOUlous suggestions.

FabYOUlous Habits for a FabYOUlous Life

  • Never go grocery shopping when hungry. You’ll end up buying extra junk that will drain your wallet and add to your waistline
  • Be constantly willing to edit your life and do so often. Take regular, ongoing steps to rid your life of energy draining people, bad influences, distracting clutter, negative mindsets etc.
  • Drink more water. Good ol’ H20 has so many wonderful health benefits (for a rundown of many of them, click here) and refreshes us in ways that no other beverage can. If plain water is a bit to blah for you, try some of these invigorating infused water recipes for added flavor and health benefit. Add extra power to this habit by using it to replace a not-so-healthy soda habit.
  • Spend more time in nature. Your psyche will thank you.
  • Start using positive affirmations on a daily basis. For a FabYOUlous list of powerful abundance affirmations, click here.
  • Organize your email inbox and then…keep it organized.
  • Practice being less judgmental and more compassionate toward others…and yourself
  • Read more. Read to learn. Read for pleasure. Read because it makes you sexy (it does! Click here to learn more). For a great list of books to get started with, click here.
  • NEVER write/send an email or text when you are upset or angry. Always proofread your emails before hitting send—especially those that pertain to your profession.
  • Recycle, recycle, recycle. We can no longer afford NOT to recycle and re-use whenever we can. Our planet needs each one of us to do our part. For a list of eight simple steps that you can take to reduce your carbon footprint, click here.
  • Get more sleep. You need it. Trust me.
  • Take a few minutes every day to dry-brush your body. There are so many amazing health benefits and it feels amazing. Click here for a quick how-to and list of health benefits of dry- bushing.
  • Snack on almonds and berries. Your hair and nails will thank you.
  • Get off your duff. Spend more time every day standing and walking and less time sitting. For a compelling list of reasons why, click here.
  • Diffuse essential oils to help you relax and unwind…or to boost your energy—there’s an oil for just about everything.
  • Take the stairs instead of always taking the elevator. While you’re at it, try parking at the back of the parking lot when shopping. Every extra step is a good thing.
  • Track your goals. Keep a food journal, money diary, etc. That which is tracked can be changed.
  • Unplug from social media one day a week
  • Learn how to slow down and savor the moment. Make mindfulness a part of every day. Click here for suggestions on how to do this.
  • Stop complaining. Be a part of the solution rather than the problem.

For further study on the subject of the power of habit, check out the book The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg.

Rockin' a FabYOUlous life as an author, speaker, blogger, coach and consumer of way too much caffeine. Let me help you to ditch the drab and find your FAB--it's possible and it's FUN!

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