Here we are—smack dab in the middle of the holiday season…again. How did it get here so quickly? I swear, it feels like it was the Fourth of July just a few weeks ago!
If you are like me and love the holidays, but still wind up feeling a little overwhelmed at all of the things that need to get done, take heart—you are not alone. So often, we women expend so much time and energy making the holidays special for everyone else (family, friends, co-workers etc.) that we end up feeling a bit depleted and wrung out at the end of it all.
If you are dancing perilously close to the Grinch zone this year—it means that you need to do a bit more holiday gifting, but don’t worry—these gifts don’t require another trip to the mall. In fact, these gifts are meant just for you and best of all–many of them are free.
Best Gifts to Give Yourself this Holiday Season
- Solitude: Part of what makes the holidays so special is the additional time that we get to spend with the important people in our lives. On the flip side, part of what makes the holidays so stressful is the additional time that we get to spend with the important people in our lives. Family gatherings, girlfriend gift exchanges, office parties, charity events…and so on and so on. Then, throw in a few school programs, shopping at crowded malls, church gatherings, etc. and pretty soon, it feels like every second of every day is spent in the company of hordes of people. While time with loved ones is something that all of us crave, time alone during this busy season can also be hugely beneficial—especially for those of us who tend to be a bit more introverted by nature. This year, be sure that amidst all of the hustle and bustle of the season, you also give yourself some time to just be with yourself. Grab a good book (might I recommend this one) and mug of hot chocolate to enjoy by the fireplace, or spend some precious minutes indulging in a favorite hobby (if you’re a knitter, check out this super simple tutorial and whip yourself up a pair of comfy slippers). Regardless of how you spend your alone time, don’t feel guilty about it. The only way you can give your best to others is by taking care of yourself first and foremost.
- Personal Development/Coaching: I’m a certified life coach, so I especially love this gift. I love it because I know firsthand just how beneficial personal development can be. Whether you decide to read a book (click here for a few of my faves), take an online course or hire a coach (you can check out my coaching packages here), the time and energy that you invest in bettering yourself is never wasted. We are all evolving creatures who long to live with passion and purpose. Give yourself the gift of personal development now, and watch it pay off in 2019.
- Rest: This one seems like a no-brainer and yet, for me, it is the most difficult gift on the list. In order to truly function at the highest level, our bodies need rest. We need rest all year long, but it can seem especially difficult to come by during the busy holiday season. If you struggle to shut your brain off at night and therefore cheat yourself out of a deep and restorative slumber, try a few of these suggestions to make giving yourself the gift of sleep a bit easier. I’ve also recently had some close friends and family members tell me about the better sleep that they are experiencing after using a weighted blanket—I think I’ll be adding one of those to my Christmas list.
Pampering: Comforting pedicure, nice long bubble bath, hot stone massage…need I say more? These types of activities can seem so self-indulgent but c’mon—what’s wrong with that? This isn’t about becoming self-absorbed and thinking that every experience in life needs to cater to our sensual desires, it is simply about allowing ourselves to feel good for a few sacred minutes. If you’re crafty and would like to make your own pampering bath bombs, click here for a simple how-to.
- Friendship: While solitude is important during the busy holiday season, so is spending quality time with good friends. Let’s face it, during the holidays we probably spend a lot of time with people out of obligation—not necessarily because we want to, but because family or social expectations make us feel as though we must. Be sure to balance out those musts with visits with people that you actually enjoy spending time with and who make you feel good about yourself. These visits don’t have to be long or involve elaborate activities; simply meet for a cup of coffee while you’re out doing your Christmas shopping or get together for an evening of watching Hallmark holiday movies and wrapping presents. Then, make a commitment that once the holidays are over, you will enjoy some “friend time” every month. For a fun list of activities to do with your friends, click here.
- Organization: Nothing kills my holiday vibe more than a cluttered, disorganized space, so one gift that I am definitely giving myself this holiday season is an organized office space. I am committing two Sunday afternoons this month to going through my piles of paper, sorting through desk items and pitching EVERYTHING that isn’t adding tangible value to my life. There is just something about walking into a tidy and inviting space that makes everything else feel okay. I’m going to give myself that feeling this holiday season. If you too would like to get organized, but aren’t sure where exactly to begin, try reading the book, The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up by Marie Kondo, and then, visit my Organize It board on Pinterest for even more organization suggestions.
- Gratitude: It is impossible to feel sad or sorry for yourself when you are busy counting your blessings and expressing gratitude. Don’t let the chaos of the season rob you of your sense of gratitude. If you find yourself feeling more Grinchy than grateful, try a few of these tips for cultivating an attitude of gratitude.
- Education: No, I’m not suggesting that you sign up for night classes at your local university (especially when there are so many other things to focus on over the holidays), but I am suggesting that you engage in activities that will help to keep your mind active and help you to gain a better grasp on subjects that interest you. There are so many physical and emotional health benefits to becoming a life-long learner (click here to read about them) and so many wonderful platforms available for expanding your education. You no doubt know that you can learn just about anything by watching a YouTube video, but have you heard of the online learning platform Udemy? I just love Udemy and have been able to learn so much about a huge variety of subjects from how to master Photoshop to how to format a book for publication and how to master the art of Reiki healing. Even if you don’t have time during the holidays to sign up for a class, you definitely owe it to yourself to pop over to Udemy and check out their courses so that you can commit to beginning one in the new year (plus–they are running a killer special right now with many of their top courses priced at only $10.99).
Awe: I grew up on a farm in central Kansas. Every year for Christmas, my family loads up the car and makes the trek from Colorado back to that farm. It’s so wonderful to feel the warmth of my parent’s wood stove and taste the delicious cranberry slush drink that my dad makes. The entire experience is filled with Christmas cheer, but there is one thing that always brings me such a deep sense of awe and wonder. You see, I live in Fort Collins, Colorado now. It is breathtakingly gorgeous where I live—but it isn’t quiet. I mean, it’s not loud or anything like that, but rarely can you step outside without hearing the sound of traffic (unless you head up into the mountains). At my mom and dad’s house though, it is quiet (okay—it’s not quiet in the house where all of the grandkids are—but it is definitely quiet outdoors). I absolutely love to slip outside late at night (yes, it’s cold but I don’t stay out for long) and look up at the sky. Something about looking up at the vast inky blackness that is dotted with stars, feeling the chill of the winter air on my skin and hearing nothing but the sound of the wind through the trees fills me with such a sense of awe. All at once I feel so small and yet so connected, all at the same time. While I realize that not everyone can make a trek to a house in the middle of rural Kansas (though my dad would have a blast entertaining everyone), I do know that moments of awe are all around us all the time—we just have to make the effort to notice and appreciate them. Be sure to make that effort and give yourself this very special gift this year.
The holiday season has so much merriment and joy to offer. Make sure that you don’t miss out on these magical moments because of a bah-humbug attitude. Give yourself a few of these powerful gifts and experience the true gift of the season.
While you’re at it, don’t forget to give yourself the gift of these two FabYOUlous (and FREE) ebooks: “365 Questions to Help You Find Your Answers” and “50 FabYOUlous Ways to Energize Your Life”. Snag them today by clicking the image below…
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